species extinction

Zika Spraying Could Wipe Out 13 Percent of U.S. Honeybee Colonies

Zika Spraying Could Wipe Out 13 Percent of U.S. Honeybee Colonies

Pesticides sprayed in the southern U.S. to stop the spread of the Zika virus could turn the nation’s honeybees into collateral damage. That is the warning issued by a study from the University of Exeter and the University of California, Berkeley published Friday in the Journal of Agricultural Research. The study found that 13 percent […]

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    Glyphosate Could Be Factor in Bee Decline, Study Warns

    Glyphosate Could Be Factor in Bee Decline, Study Warns

    Another study has cast doubt on the environmental safety of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, the most frequently used weedkiller in the world. Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin (UT) exposed bees to glyphosate and found that it reduced the beneficial bacteria in their guts, making them more susceptible to disease. “We […]

    New Tree Species Discovered — and Declared Extinct

    New Tree Species Discovered — and Declared Extinct

    By John R. Platt Sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. In 1951 a member of the Nigerian Forestry Service collected specimens of a rare tree in the highlands of northwestern Cameroon. It was soon identified as a member of the Vepris genus, a group of 80 or so large tree species […]

    World’s Largest King Penguin Colony Shrunk 90% in Last Three Decades

    World’s Largest King Penguin Colony Shrunk 90% in Last Three Decades

    The world’s largest colony of king penguins declined nearly 90 percent in the last three decades, researchers announced Monday. The colony inhabits France’s subantarctic Île aux Cochons or Pig Island. Observations from the 1980s showed that it was once home to 2 million king penguins, making it the planet’s largest colony of the species, and […]

    Is the Great Indian Bustard About to Go Extinct?

    Is the Great Indian Bustard About to Go Extinct?

    By John R. Platt Nearly 60 years ago the legendary ornithologist Sálim Ali made a bold proposition: A three-foot-tall bird known as the great Indian bustard, he suggested, should be named as the national bird of India. At the time the great Indian bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps) was already a legally protected endangered species, but its […]

    One-Fifth of Britain’s Mammals Could Be Extinct in 10 Years

    One-Fifth of Britain’s Mammals Could Be Extinct in 10 Years

    One-fifth of UK mammals could go extinct within a decade, according to the most comprehensive report in 20 years released Wednesday by The Mammal Society and Natural England. The report found that the Scottish wildcat, black rat and greater mouse-eared bat were the most endangered species left, The Guardian reported. Next came the red squirrel, […]

    What’s Happening to the North Atlantic Right Whale Is Just Plain Wrong

    What’s Happening to the North Atlantic Right Whale Is Just Plain Wrong

    By Jason Bittel Imagine if safari-goers in Africa came upon an elephant trudging through the brush covered in a tangle of ropes and netting. What if, on closer inspection, they found that the animal’s mouth was blocked, preventing it from eating, or that lengths of rope had coiled around and cut into its legs, making […]