
UK Cuts Subsidies for Drax Power Station in Half, Saying It Must Burn 100% Sustainable Biomass

UK Cuts Subsidies for Drax Power Station in Half, Saying It Must Burn 100% Sustainable Biomass

The United Kingdom has announced new reduced subsidies for its controversial Drax power station, which had been previously converted to burning wood biomass from coal. The North Yorkshire plant is an important source of energy for the country, but has received criticism because of sustainability concerns, in addition to Drax Group plc’s enormous profits, reported […]

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    Trump Freezes $50 Billion in DOE Funding for Programs Including Clean Energy Innovation

    Trump Freezes $50 Billion in DOE Funding for Programs Including Clean Energy Innovation

    The Trump administration has halted spending from the United States Department of Energy (DOE)’s approximately $50 billion budget while a “comprehensive review” is conducted to ensure its spending and other actions — which include funding for new energy technologies — are in alignment with the priorities of President Donald Trump, according to an agency memo […]