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    Here’s What Climate Change Will Mean for Bats

    Here’s What Climate Change Will Mean for Bats

    By Tara Lohan The Isabelline Serotine bat (Eptesicus isabellinus) ranges across areas north of the Sahara and into the southern portion of the Iberian Peninsula. But it may be time for the species to start packing its bags. A new study in Global Ecology and Conservation found that dozens of bat species living in parts […]

    Vampire Bat Adopts Best Friend’s Baby

    Vampire Bat Adopts Best Friend’s Baby

    Vampire bats may have a blood-chilling name, but they are capable of some seriously heart-warming behavior. In a study published in Royal Society Open Science on Wednesday, scientists observed a female bat adopting a baby bat after its mother, who was also her best friend, passed away. “It’s really cool that the little pup was […]

    Did the Climate Crisis Enable the Coronavirus Pandemic?

    Did the Climate Crisis Enable the Coronavirus Pandemic?

    Experts have described the coronavirus pandemic as the kind of crisis that will become even more likely as the planet warms. But now, researchers think that climate change may have actually played a role in the emergence of the viruses that caused both SARS and COVID-19. A study published in Science of the Total Environment […]

    New Black and Orange Bat Species Discovered in West Africa

    New Black and Orange Bat Species Discovered in West Africa

    In 2018, a team of researchers went to West Africa’s Nimba Mountains in search of one critically endangered species of bat. Along the way, they ended up discovering another. The new bat species, Myotis nimbaensis, has an unusual orange and black coloring, and it was written up for the first time last Wednesday in American […]

    Flying Foxes: Australia’s Love-Hate Relationship With Fruit Bats

    Flying Foxes: Australia’s Love-Hate Relationship With Fruit Bats

    By Georgina Kenyon Earlier this year, the term “bat tornado” started appearing in the Australian and international media. It all started with a BBC report from the town of Ingham in the northeastern state of Queensland, where the population of flying fox bats had apparently “exploded” over the last two years, leaving residents fed up […]

    Speak Up for Bats — Even in the Pandemic

    Speak Up for Bats — Even in the Pandemic

    By Tara Lohan As we work to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists are also studying its origins. How did the SARS-Co-V-2 virus, which causes the disease, jump from wildlife to humans? Many believe it originated in horseshoe bats (from the genus Rhinolophus), which are known hosts of other coronaviruses. “Whether or not […]

    Eek! Bat Populations Are Shrinking. Here Are A Few Ways to Help

    Eek! Bat Populations Are Shrinking. Here Are A Few Ways to Help

    By Alexa Peters October is a time for bats. As the crisp fall air descends, plastic bats swing from trees and confectioners make treats in their little winged shapes. The little spooky creatures even have an entire week leading up to Halloween dedicated to them: International Bat Week. Yet they remain largely misunderstood. Truth be […]