
What if Americans Stopped Driving for Just One Day?

What if Americans Stopped Driving for Just One Day?

Consider what would happen if all Americans went car-free for just one day. Paris decided to go car-free for one day in September after a rise in air pollution in March briefly made the city the most polluted in the world, “with smog so bad it almost completely obscured the city’s landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower,” said The Guardian. […]

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    Hydrogen Fuel Cell vs. Electric Cars: Which Will Drive Us Into the Future?

    Hydrogen Fuel Cell vs. Electric Cars: Which Will Drive Us Into the Future?

    The debate between electric vs. hydrogen fuel cell cars rages on. Last year, Toyota made a big announcement that they were getting closer to unveiling a hydrogen fuel cell car, calling it the “ultimate environmentally friendly car.” That car, the Mirai is already available in Japan and Europe. And today, in conjunction with Back to the Future Day, […]

    10 Greenest Cities in America (and the Worst)

    10 Greenest Cities in America (and the Worst)

    WalletHub has put together its annual list of cities “that most encourage an environmentally friendly lifestyle.” WalletHub analysts compared 100 cities using 13 key metrics “from greenhouse-gas emissions per capita to the number of smart-energy policies and initiatives.” Source: WalletHub WalletHub finds that going green is a great way to promote job growth. They cite statistics […]

    Finally … Uber for Bicycles Is Here

    Finally … Uber for Bicycles Is Here

    The sharing economy is all the rage these days. Want to share your house or your car? There are apps for that. People can even share solar panels and farmers can rent out surplus water. Now, a new startup wants to help you rent out your bike when you’re not using it. The company, Donkey Republic, is based […]

    8 of the World’s Best Bike Sharing Programs

    8 of the World’s Best Bike Sharing Programs

    So, right off the bat, if you don’t know what a bike-share is, it’s a program in which many bicycle stations are set up and people can rent a bike to use for a certain time frame and return it at a different station. It’s seen in many cities where cycling infrastructure is growing and […]

    10 Greenest Cities in the World

    10 Greenest Cities in the World

    Australian home improvement company,, has put together a list of the top 10 most energy efficient cities in the world. At EcoWatch, we have featured several greenest cities and countries rankings in the past—from the 10 greenest cities in North America to the top 10 greenest countries in the world and even the more exhaustive top 25 greenest […]

    The Volkswagen Scandal: We Have Been Here Before

    The Volkswagen Scandal: We Have Been Here Before

    In the frenzy of coverage of the outrageous Volkswagen use of sophisticated computer techniques to shut down the pollution controls on 11 million of VW’s TDI diesel automobiles once they were no longer sitting in a test facility, only a few have noted that this is not the first such episode—although the last one involved mostly […]

    VW Deception Not an Isolated Case and Not Just the Auto Industry

    VW Deception Not an Isolated Case and Not Just the Auto Industry

    Again and again we hear about corporations doing bad things so they can make more money: polluting, selling contaminated food or otherwise harming people’s health, selling products that injure people or just don’t do what they advertise, tricking and scamming people out of their money, selling banned goods or providing financial services for terrorists or […]

    17 Celebrities That Love Elon Musk’s Tesla

    17 Celebrities That Love Elon Musk’s Tesla

    Tesla has become incredibly popular in recent years. The electric car company’s revolutionary powerwall battery allows you to charge your car with energy generated from residential solar panels. It has already sold out through 2016. And Elon Musk is hoping his Model S will be the first mass-produced all-electric car. He’s building a Tesla Gigafactory outside of Reno, Nevada that […]