renewable energy

Climate-Denying Groups Use Right Whales as Front to Oppose Offshore Wind

Climate-Denying Groups Use Right Whales as Front to Oppose Offshore Wind

One common tactic of renewable energy opponents is to emphasize the new technology’s environmental impact in a way that disguises the harm caused by what it is intended to replace. For example, wind power opponents often point to the turbines’ threat to birds. However, a 2012 study found that fossil fuel plants kill 35 times […]

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    Construction Begins on Maine’s Largest Solar Project

    Construction Begins on Maine’s Largest Solar Project

    Maine is about to get its largest solar farm, which will help the state meet its climate goals of getting 80 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2030, reported Bangor Daily News. The project is also projected to avoid carbon dioxide emissions that are the equivalent of removing about 30,000 cars from the […]

    What a Split Congress Means for U.S. Climate and Energy Policy

    What a Split Congress Means for U.S. Climate and Energy Policy

    Now that the dust is beginning to settle from the U.S. midterm elections and it is clear that Democrats will retain control of the Senate while the House of Representatives will pass to a narrow Republican Majority, what does this mean for the next two years of climate and energy policy? With seven House races […]

    Biden Admin Joins Global Pact to Achieve 100% New Electric Car and Truck Sales by 2040

    Biden Admin Joins Global Pact to Achieve 100% New Electric Car and Truck Sales by 2040

    In its latest push towards electrification, the Biden administration announced that the U.S. has signed the Global Memorandum of Understanding (Global MOU) on Zero-Emission Medium-and  Heavy-Duty Vehicles Thursday at the COP27 UN climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.  The memorandum sets a goal of ensuring 100 percent of new bus and truck sales are electric […]

    Sustainable Wooden Wind Turbine Blades Being Developed

    Sustainable Wooden Wind Turbine Blades Being Developed

    Two companies are collaborating to make wind turbines more sustainable. Stora Enso, a biomaterials and wood construction company, and Voodin Blade Technology GmbH, a startup in Germany developing rotor blades for wind turbines, have partnered to create wooden wind turbine blades. The wooden turbine blades are meant to replace heavier wind turbine blades made from […]