public health

On David Koch’s Death and the Koch Network’s Endless War on Clean Energy

On David Koch’s Death and the Koch Network’s Endless War on Clean Energy

By Ben Jervey Billionaire libertarian activist and oil industry tycoon David Koch died on Friday, leaving a toxic legacy that includes helping birth the climate denial movement, fighting against regulations that protect worker and public health, and — critical to our work here on DeSmog’s KochvsClean project — helping fund and coordinate a decades-long attack […]

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    Vaping Damages Blood Vessels After Just One Use, New Study Says

    Vaping Damages Blood Vessels After Just One Use, New Study Says

    Vaping one time — even without nicotine — can damage blood vessels, reduce blood flow and create dangerous toxins, according to a new study published in the journal Radiology. The study found that the heat created when e-cigarettes turn liquid into vapor stirs the compounds into toxic particles, which damage blood vessels. To perform the […]

    C. Diff Is Evolving Into Superbug in Response to Western Sugary Diets

    C. Diff Is Evolving Into Superbug in Response to Western Sugary Diets

    One of the most widespread bacteria known to cause serious gut infections is evolving to take advantage of high-sugar diets in the West and resist disinfecting methods used in healthcare settings. The diarrhea and colitis-causing bacteria Clostridioides difficile, or C. Diff, is common throughout our environment and results in nearly 500,000 infections in the U.S. […]

    Clean Energy Produces Billions in Health Benefits, Study Finds

    Clean Energy Produces Billions in Health Benefits, Study Finds

    States that invest heavily in renewable energy will generate billions of dollars in health benefits in the next decade instead of spending billions to take care of people getting sick from air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels, according to a new study from MIT and reported on by The Verge. In fact, 10 states […]

    Breathing Polluted Air is Like Smoking a Pack a Day

    Breathing Polluted Air is Like Smoking a Pack a Day

    It turns out you don’t need to smoke for a lifetime to get emphysema. Just breathing polluted air can give it to you, according to a new study that is the largest and the longest of its kind. The study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, or JAMA, found that […]

    Lead Decontamination Closes Streets Around Notre Dame Cathedral

    Lead Decontamination Closes Streets Around Notre Dame Cathedral

    Paris officials sealed off the area around the Notre Dame Cathedral to remove lead particles that have settled after a devastating fire destroyed the iconic cathedral’s roof and spire in April. After the April 15 blaze, tons of lead melted and dispersed to the surrounding area, landing on homes, shops, schools and the streets. On […]

    Newark’s Lead Crisis Escalates

    Newark’s Lead Crisis Escalates

    The city of Newark has begun passing out cases of bottled water as concerns mount over how effective filters provided to residents with lead water service lines may be. New Jersey’s largest city began handing out lead filters to primarily low-income residents with lead service lines eight months ago, but recent tests show that filtered […]