
Nearly 1,400 Aftershocks Rattle Alaska After 7.0 Earthquake

Nearly 1,400 Aftershocks Rattle Alaska After 7.0 Earthquake

Roughly 1,400 aftershocks have followed after Friday’s monster 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck near Anchorage, Alaska, Anchorage Daily News reported. The aftershocks all surrounded the original temblor that was centered about 7 miles north of Alaska’s largest city. Here's a ground motion visualization for the first hour after the earthquake. You'll see 7 major aftershocks (notated) […]

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    Sharing Knowledge and Salmon Across the Bering Sea

    Sharing Knowledge and Salmon Across the Bering Sea

    By Amy McDermott At the height of the Alaskan summer, a troupe of students hiked up the middle of a shallow creek. Undergraduates and grads from the University of Washington, the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Kamchatka State Technical University in eastern Russia carried handheld clickers to count the multitudes of salmon thrashing upstream to […]

    Fast-Melting Lakes Could Increase Permafrost Emissions 118 Percent

    Fast-Melting Lakes Could Increase Permafrost Emissions 118 Percent

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    The Arctic Is Burning: Wildfires Rage from Sweden to Alaska

    The Arctic Is Burning: Wildfires Rage from Sweden to Alaska

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    Oil Companies in Alaska Refreeze Melting Permafrost to Keep Drilling

    Oil Companies in Alaska Refreeze Melting Permafrost to Keep Drilling

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    Wolves Are Losing Ground to Industrial Logging in Southeast Alaska

    Wolves Are Losing Ground to Industrial Logging in Southeast Alaska

    By Faith Rudebusch For 12,000 years, wolves have roamed Southeast Alaska’s rugged Alexander Archipelago—a 300-mile stretch of more than 1,000 islands mostly within the Tongass National Forest. Now, their old-growth forest habitat is rapidly disappearing, putting the wolves at risk. As the region’s logging policies garner controversy, a new study examines what the wolves need […]