
Hillary Clinton Demands Action on Flint Water Crisis at #DemDebate

Hillary Clinton Demands Action on Flint Water Crisis at #DemDebate

Last night during the fourth Democratic debate in Charleston, South Carolina, Hillary Clinton became the first presidential candidate of either party to mention the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. .@HillaryClinton slams Gov. Rick Snyder for handling of water crisis in Flint, Michigan: https://t.co/TrIsfdVwUX — MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 18, 2016 In her closing statement she said: “I […]

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    3 Ways to Restore Power to the People

    3 Ways to Restore Power to the People

    Things feel pretty weird right now to Americans. Since we celebrated the New Year, we have seen President Obama’s executive action with rudimentary gun control measures met with widespread backlash from the gun lobby and its political supporters, a state of emergency in California due to a methane leak and Virginia’s GOP launched a pledge that […]

    Super PAC Credits Hillary Clinton for Selling Fracking to the World

    Super PAC Credits Hillary Clinton for Selling Fracking to the World

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    10 Biggest Lies and Distortions From the GOP Debate

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    Neil Young, Willie Nelson, Dave Matthews, John Mellencamp: Help Us Stop the DARK Act

    Neil Young, Willie Nelson, Dave Matthews, John Mellencamp: Help Us Stop the DARK Act

    Dave Matthews, Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp and Neil Young are speaking out against the controversial Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (H.R. 1599), also known as the Deny Americans the Right to Know, or DARK Act. The legislation would require the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate the distribution and labeling of genetically modified […]