
Earth Has Lost Half of Its Trees Since Dawn of Civilization

Earth Has Lost Half of Its Trees Since Dawn of Civilization

An international collaboration of scientists has just completed the ultimate green census—by calculating that the planet is home to 3.04 trillion trees. The latest estimate is far higher and almost certainly more accurate than any previous attempt. But the bad news is that humans are removing trees at the rate of 15 billion a year—and […]

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    NASA Astronauts Grow Vegetables in Space for First Time

    NASA Astronauts Grow Vegetables in Space for First Time

    Goodbye freeze-dried space food. NASA’s astronauts aboard the International Space Station are taking a giant leap with its menu: fresh-grown vegetables. 3 astronauts will harvest and taste space-grown lettuce today at 11:15am on @NASA TV… — Intl. Space Station (@Space_Station) August 10, 2015 Expedition 44 crew members, including astronaut Scott Kelly who’s on […]

    NASA Captures ‘EPIC’ Image of the Dark Side of the Moon

    NASA Captures ‘EPIC’ Image of the Dark Side of the Moon

    Calling all Pink Floyd fans, NASA recently released the latest image of the dark side of the moon. The far side of the moon, which is not visible from Earth and is often referred to as the dark side of the moon, has been captured by NASA’s aptly named EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera) on board the […]

    World’s Glaciers Melting at Record Rate

    World’s Glaciers Melting at Record Rate

    The world’s glaciers are melting fast—probably faster than at any time in recorded history, according to new research. Many glaciers in the European Alps could lose about 50 percent of their present surface area. Photo credit: TonnyB / Wikimedia Commons Measurements show several hundred glaciers are losing between half and one meter of thickness every […]

    Neil deGrasse Tyson: Politicians, Stop ‘Cherry-Picking Science’ for Political Gain

    Neil deGrasse Tyson: Politicians, Stop ‘Cherry-Picking Science’ for Political Gain

    Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson participated in a Q&A panel on Monday night with doctors, mathematicians and other scientists. The panelists took questions on topics including climate change, extraterrestrial life and artificial intelligence. Tyson said it’s “one of the great tragedies of modern society that we have politicians who are cherry-picking science in the interest of social, cultural, political or religious belief systems.” Neil […]

    Halfway to Hell: Global Temperatures Hit Critical Point, Warn Scientists

    Halfway to Hell: Global Temperatures Hit Critical Point, Warn Scientists

    As 2015 shapes up to be the hottest year on record, scientists warn the world could be halfway towards surpassing countries’ self-set red line of 2C temperature rise. Now with an El Nino underway and predicted to intensify, it looks as if the global average surface temperature could jump by around 0.1C in just one […]

    What Is a Blue Moon and Where Did It Get Its Name?

    What Is a Blue Moon and Where Did It Get Its Name?

    We’ve all heard the expression “once in a blue moon,” but have you ever stopped and thought to yourself, “What is a blue moon?” and “How rare are they actually?” Well, a blue moon happens when there are two full moons in one month. The second one is called a blue moon, and they happen about […]

    Epic Video Narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains the Universe in 8 Minutes

    Epic Video Narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains the Universe in 8 Minutes

    Set to the music of Igor Stravinsky, this epic video, narrated by renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the history of our universe. The video seen by more than 800,000 people covers everything from how the universe began to the spontaneous creation and dissolution of black holes. He gives a great explanation of how the sun and […]

    Extreme Heat Triggers Sex Change in Lizards

    Extreme Heat Triggers Sex Change in Lizards

    Climate change may cause gender switching. Now, there’s a line to motivate conservative politicians to cut carbon pollution. Extreme heat caused by climate change may eliminate male bearded dragons. Photo credit: Arthur Georges Let me explain. A team of ecologists has proven that temperature, not just genetics, plays a role in determining the sex of […]