
Stunning Images of Earth, Delivered Daily by NASA

Stunning Images of Earth, Delivered Daily by NASA

Thanks to the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite—the nation’s first operational satellite in deep space—you can see daily pictures of the Earth. NASA launched the satellite last February and handed the reigns over to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) a little over a week ago. 2015-11-03. Full resolution animation at #DSCOVR — […]

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    The World’s Largest Earth Science Experiment: Biosphere 2

    The World’s Largest Earth Science Experiment: Biosphere 2

    Scientists wanted to know if we could replicate the Earth’s ecosystems, so in the Sonoran desert outside of Tucson, Arizona they built a three-acre closed-system environment designed to do just that. Known as Biosphere 2 (Biosphere 1 is the Earth), the project was started back in the late 1980s. The idea was to test if we could re-create […]

    ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ Ice Age Scenario Could Be Possible, Researchers Say

    ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ Ice Age Scenario Could Be Possible, Researchers Say

    Two separate and very different studies have confirmed a climate paradox—that global warming and a slowdown in the Atlantic Ocean currents could trigger climate change and bring a prolonged chill in Europe. Icicles glisten as the sun sets in Denmark. Photo credit: Teralaser / Flickr One researcher argues that not only could it happen, it […]

    Scientists Turn Green Algae Into Biofuel at $50 a Barrel

    Scientists Turn Green Algae Into Biofuel at $50 a Barrel

    Wind and solar energy remain the only obvious replacements for fossil fuels, but recent research shows that scientists are clearly thinking outside the box to come up with future alternatives. They have recently been able to report at least theoretical progress with nuclear energy, algae and a novel alloy. In just a few days, they […]

    Groundbreaking NASA Announcement: Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars

    Groundbreaking NASA Announcement: Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars

    In a major scientific announcement, NASA has found evidence of liquid water on present-day Mars. "Under certain circumstances, liquid water has been found on Mars" – Jim Green, NASA Planetary Science Director — NASA (@NASA) September 28, 2015 “Mars is not the dry, arid planet that we thought of in the past,” said Jim Green, NASA Planetary […]

    When and Where to See the Super-Rare Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

    When and Where to See the Super-Rare Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

    There will be a supermoon lunar eclipse this Sunday Sept. 27 and if you miss it, your next chance won’t be until 2033. According to Discovery News, it’s a “confluence of three events: a full moon; a lunar eclipse, in which the Earth blocks the sun’s light from hitting the moon; and lunar perigee, when […]

    Hawaii on Verge of Worst Coral Bleaching in History as Water Temperatures Soar

    Hawaii on Verge of Worst Coral Bleaching in History as Water Temperatures Soar

    Hawaii’s majestic coral reef, which makes up roughly 85 percent of all coral reefs in the country, could be entering a perilous state. The state’s corals could experience the worst bleaching its history this year as surrounding water temperatures rise at abnormal rates, scientists warn. High water temperatures in #Hawaii expected to cause terrible #coralbleaching […]

    Stunning NASA Photos Reveal Sun, Moon and Pluto Up Close

    Stunning NASA Photos Reveal Sun, Moon and Pluto Up Close

    NASA is like that one friend of yours who always takes the best pictures. Last month, they gave us a rare glimpse of the dark side of the moon. And around the same time, they snapped a picture of the International Space Station as it crossed in front of the moon. And now, they’ve captured the Space […]