25 Easy Ways to Get More Fermented Foods in Your Diet


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11. and 12. On Burgers and Hot Dogs: This one is fairly self-explanatory.

13. Lettuce Cups: Place freshly-grated vegetables, bean sprouts and fermented veggies or kimchi in a large leaf of lettuce and wrap it up for a simple snack or meal.

14. Salad Rolls: Soak rice paper wraps in hot water, pat dry and wrap them up with fermented and fresh veggies and kimchi.

15. Tacos: Top your favorite tacos with fermented vegetables like carrots or onions for a flavor boost.

16. Salad Dressing: Blend sauerkraut or kimchi with some two parts oil and one part vinegar for a quick and easy salad dressing.

17. Condiments: Add pickled vegetables or kimchi as a condiment to almost any meal.

18. Guacamole: I mix an El Salvadoran fermented salsa known as Curtido with mashed avocado for a simple and amazingly delicious guacamole in minutes.

19. Salsa and Chips: Mix fresh salsa ingredients: chopped tomatoes, onion, garlic, lemon juice and minced chilies with the contents of one probiotic capsule and let sit for at least a few hours but preferably overnight. Then serve your fermented salsa with chips for a great snack.

20. Hummus: Blend sauerkraut (or sauerkraut juice) and chickpeas with a little extra virgin olive oil for a quick and probiotic-rich hummus. The sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice adds flavor and replaces salt in this recipe.

Using Other Fermented Foods

21. Fermented Juice: Empty the contents of a probiotic capsule into your favorite fruit or vegetable juice, cover and leave at room temperature overnight or for a day. Not only will you get the probiotics found in the capsule, but the beneficial microbes will proliferate and actually reduce the amount of natural sugars present in the juice.

Raw vegan creamy cheese. Photo credit: One Green Planet

22. Choose Kombucha over Soda: Skip the sugar-laden soft drink and instead enjoy a naturally-sparkling kombucha (a probiotic-rich beverage).

23. Cultured Cream: Soak raw, unsalted nuts like cashews, pine nuts or macadamias in enough water to cover and the contents of one probiotic capsule. Let sit for eight hours or overnight. Blend. Use over fruit in place of cream. Use only as much of the soak water as needed for a thick vegan sour cream.

24. Vegan Cheese: Follow the instructions under 23 but use only enough water to cover the nuts and allow them to ferment with the probiotic powder for at least 24 hours or longer for a sharper cheese flavor. Blend until smooth and creamy for a quick and probiotic-rich soft cheese.

25. Vegan Pudding or Cheesecake: Follow the instructions for vegan cheese but add some fruit and sweetener (if you wish), along with a couple tablespoons of a thickening agent like ground chia or flax seeds. For a cheesecake, crumble some graham crackers or cookies with a small amount of coconut oil and press into a small cheesecake mold. Pour the fruit-cashew mixture over the crust. Refrigerate until firm, et voila! Enjoy a simple, raw, probiotic-rich pudding or cheesecake.


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