
Earth Is Hurtling Towards a Catastrophe Worse Than the Dinosaur Extinction

Earth Is Hurtling Towards a Catastrophe Worse Than the Dinosaur Extinction

By Andrew Glikson At several points in the history of our planet, increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have caused extreme global warming, prompting the majority of species on Earth to die out. In the past, these events were triggered by a huge volcanic eruption or asteroid impact. Now, Earth is heading for […]

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    Exxon Now Wants to Write the Rules for Regulating Methane Emissions

    Exxon Now Wants to Write the Rules for Regulating Methane Emissions

    By Justin Mikulka ExxonMobil is a company capable of contradictions. It has been lobbying against government efforts to address climate change while running ads touting its own efforts to do so. And while the oil giant has been responsible for massive methane releases, Exxon has now proposed a new regulatory framework for cutting emissions of […]

    Oregon Governor Signs Sweeping Executive Order to Cut Emissions

    Oregon Governor Signs Sweeping Executive Order to Cut Emissions

    At the end of Oregon’s legislative session, Republicans fled the state to kill a cap-and-trade bill designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, effectively killing 100 other pieces of legislation as the short legislative session expired. Now that the state house is in recess, the governor found a work around, signing a sweeping executive order to […]

    Tropical Forests Are Losing Their Ability to Absorb Carbon, Study Finds

    Tropical Forests Are Losing Their Ability to Absorb Carbon, Study Finds

    The world’s tropical forests are rapidly losing their ability to absorb carbon from the atmosphere, worrying scientists that a major carbon dump will transform them into a carbon source, according to research published Wednesday. The study, which was published in the journal Nature, found that in 15 years the Amazon could turn into a carbon […]

    Longtime Climate Science Foe David Schnare Uses ‘Scare Tactics’ to Bash Transportation Climate Initiative for Koch-Tied Think Tank

    Longtime Climate Science Foe David Schnare Uses ‘Scare Tactics’ to Bash Transportation Climate Initiative for Koch-Tied Think Tank

    By Dana Drugmand Opponents of a regional proposal to curb transportation sector emissions in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic are using a number of deceptive tactics to attack and criticize the Transportation and Climate Initiative. Groups tied to the oil industry have pointed to misleading studies, deployed questionable public opinion polling and circulated an open letter […]

    Lawsuit Appeals Permit for Formosa Plastics to Build in Louisiana’s ‘Cancer Alley’

    Lawsuit Appeals Permit for Formosa Plastics to Build in Louisiana’s ‘Cancer Alley’

    By Jessica Corbett A coalition of local and national groups on Friday launched a legal challenge to a Louisiana state agency’s decision to approve air permits for a $9.4 billion petrochemical complex that Taiwan-based Formosa Plastics Group plans to build in the region nationally known as “Cancer Alley.” Louisiana residents and environmental justice advocates have […]

    New Report Details Impacts of Oil and Gas Development on Public Lands

    New Report Details Impacts of Oil and Gas Development on Public Lands

    By Carla Ruas The American Petroleum Institute has rolled out a multibillion-dollar public relations campaign stating that oil and gas can help to solve climate change. The association is claiming that expanding the use of fossil fuels can lower climate emissions that are trapping heat on our planet. If that sounds fishy, it’s because it […]