
GAO Report Confirms Coal Leasing Program ‘Out of Date,’ Costs Taxpayers Nearly $30B

GAO Report Confirms Coal Leasing Program ‘Out of Date,’ Costs Taxpayers Nearly $30B

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) today released the result of its investigation into coal leasing practices at the Bureau of Land Management, which confirmed earlier reports that coal companies have taken advantage of a lax bidding process for leasing coal on publicly owned lands, resulting in nearly $30 billion in loss for U.S. taxpayers. Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) echoed […]

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    12 Days After West Virginia Chemical Spill, Company Admits to Second Chemical

    12 Days After West Virginia Chemical Spill, Company Admits to Second Chemical

    By Tina Casey Yep, you read that right. Almost two weeks after a storage tank was discovered to be leaking 7,500 gallons of the coal-washing chemical Crude MCHM into the Elk River/water supply for nine counties in West Virginia, company officials finally disclosed yesterday that 300 gallons of another chemical, “PPH, stripped,” was also part […]

    President Obama Gives $1 Billion Game-Changing Gift to ‘Clean’ Coal

    President Obama Gives $1 Billion Game-Changing Gift to ‘Clean’ Coal

    In the same days an entrepreneur went on federal trial for fraud over an unproven “clean coal” scheme, President Obama’s Department of Energy (DOE) gave a game-changing approval for a $1 billion gift to continue the unproven FutureGen “clean coal” boondoggle in Illinois. Kind of ironic, ain’t it—if it weren’t so tragic. On the heels of the West Virginia coal-cleaning chemical disaster, […]

    Dangers of Water Privatization Emerge In the Wake of West Virginia’s Chemical Spill

    Dangers of Water Privatization Emerge In the Wake of West Virginia’s Chemical Spill

    By Matt Wasson It took a few days after a state of emergency was declared across nine West Virginia counties—and one-sixth of the state’s population was told not to drink or bathe using their tap water—for the national news media to discover a story of national importance occurring in the political backwaters of Appalachia. Filings by the West Virginia […]

    Drop in Demand From China Threatens Australian Coal Mining Projects

    Drop in Demand From China Threatens Australian Coal Mining Projects

    Major Australian coal projects risk losing value due to falling demand from China, where leaders are increasingly concerned about growing public anger over severe air pollution, a new analysis from Oxford University has found. Australia’s coal investments, like this open pit mine in Victoria, risk becoming stranded if China implements new energy policies. Photo credit: Marcus Wong […]

    Dear Sen. Rockefeller: Call ‘Time Out’ on Mountaintop Removal

    Dear Sen. Rockefeller: Call ‘Time Out’ on Mountaintop Removal

    Four years after the late Sen. Robert Byrd’s frank admission that “most members of Congress, like most Americans, oppose the practice” of mountaintop removal mining, “and we may not yet fully understand the effects of mountaintop removal mining on the health of our citizens,” West Virginia residents traveled to Washington, DC to make a special appeal to […]

    10 Most Toxic Ingredients Used In Coal, Oil and Gas Production

    10 Most Toxic Ingredients Used In Coal, Oil and Gas Production

    By Don Lieber There are many reasons to reject fossil fuels now, after 200 years of their reign as society’s primary energy source. History will articulate both the benefits provided to human society derived from fossil fuel energy technologies from 1750 to the present—and the extensive costs. In addition to transportation, electricity, industrial power, military […]