
Hudson River Dumps 300 Million Microfibers Into Atlantic Ocean Daily

Hudson River Dumps 300 Million Microfibers Into Atlantic Ocean Daily

A new study highlights how our laundry contributes to major oceanic pollution. The Hudson River could be dumping about 300 million clothing fibers into the Atlantic Ocean per day, according to new research published in the Marine Pollution Bulletin. For the study, researchers collected 142 water samples throughout the length of the Hudson River and […]

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    Another Reason to Ditch Plastic—It Smells Like Food to Fish

    Another Reason to Ditch Plastic—It Smells Like Food to Fish

    We know that the massive amount of plastic that’s continually dumped into our oceans can end up in the stomachs of marine species (and ultimately on our plates), but why would they want to eat it? Well, new research suggests that fish are not just accidentally gobbling up our plastic trash—they could be actively seeking […]

    Fighting for a Plastic-Free Ocean

    Fighting for a Plastic-Free Ocean

    By Pete Stauffer Plastic pollution is suffocating the ocean and the animals that call it home. Researchers estimate there are now more than 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean and the number grows every day. This pollution is ravaging our marine ecosystems, entangling and choking wildlife such as seabirds, dolphins, fish and turtles. […]

    Whale Shark Found Dead, Plastic Spoon Stuck in Digestive System

    Whale Shark Found Dead, Plastic Spoon Stuck in Digestive System

    An 18-foot long whale shark washed up dead on Pamban South Beach in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu on Tuesday. “The cause of death is found to be heavy internal injuries it has suffered when it either hit a rock or a big vessel,” local wildlife ranger S Sathish told the Times of India. […]

    Deafening Ocean Noise Threatens Marine Life

    Deafening Ocean Noise Threatens Marine Life

    Marine life rely on sound to navigate, socialize, and find food and mates, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult for them to hear each other. Noise caused by human activity is now an inescapable threat to their lives. In the video above from Vox, we hear some of the amazing sounds that underwater creatures make, and […]

    Is Geoengineering the Answer to Limit Global Warming?

    Is Geoengineering the Answer to Limit Global Warming?

    By Tim Radford Geoengineering, the deliberate alteration of the planet to undo its inadvertent alteration by humans over the past 200 years, is back on the scientific agenda, with a climate compromise suggested as a possible solution. One group wants to turn down the global thermostat and reverse the global warming trend set in train […]

    Wow! Shocking Video Shows Astonishing Amount of Plastic Polluting Our Planet

    Wow! Shocking Video Shows Astonishing Amount of Plastic Polluting Our Planet

    The colossal mass of throwaway plastic—from straws to bags to bottles—has grown much faster than recycling and disposal efforts can contain it. You might even say this is obvious, no matter where you look. As a result, places that were once considered pristine—such as Antarctica and the ocean floors of Australia—have become inundated with plastic […]

    Humans Have Created 9 Billion Tons of Plastic in the last 67 Years

    Humans Have Created 9 Billion Tons of Plastic in the last 67 Years

    By Tim Radford Scientists have calculated yet another item on the human shopping list that makes up the modern world: plastics. They have estimated the mass of all the plastic bottles, bags, cups, toys, instruments and fabrics ever produced and tracked its whereabouts, as yet another index of the phenomenal change to the face of […]