paris agreement

Saudi Arabia to House World’s Largest Solar Project

Saudi Arabia to House World’s Largest Solar Project

According to the most recent data available from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Saudi Arabia is the second largest oil producer in the world. It produces 13 percent of the world’s oil and gets 60 percent of its own electric energy from petroleum. But the desert nation, whose Paris agreement action plan was rated […]

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    Earth’s Intact Forests Are Invaluable, and in Danger

    Earth’s Intact Forests Are Invaluable, and in Danger

    By Tim Radford The world’s unregarded forests are at risk. Intact forest is now being destroyed at an annual rate that threatens to cancel out any attempts to contain global warming by controlling greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study. A second study finds that trees in the tropical regions are dying twice as […]

    Despite Trump’s Bluster, U.S. Officials and Scientists Maintain Climate Work with International Partners

    Despite Trump’s Bluster, U.S. Officials and Scientists Maintain Climate Work with International Partners

    Trump has loudly declared his intention to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris agreement, but, behind the tweets and the headlines, U.S. officials and scientists have carried on working with international partners to fight climate change, Reuters reported Wednesday. The State Department has continued to send delegations to the Arctic Council, which works to protect […]

    Majority of Americans Wants Climate Action, Survey Finds

    Majority of Americans Wants Climate Action, Survey Finds

    Whether or not the Trump administration knows or cares, a majority of Americans wants government action on climate change. For the past ten years, the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College have asked Americans their opinions on energy and climate policies in biannual National Surveys on Energy and Environment (NSEE). A March report on the […]

    Stephen Hawking’s Final Warnings Urged World to Halt Climate Change

    Stephen Hawking’s Final Warnings Urged World to Halt Climate Change

    Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest minds on Earth, died peacefully at his home in Cambridge on Wednesday at the age of 76. As well as being a renowned physicist whose groundbreaking theories helped us understand the complexities of space, time and the universe, the British professor also taught us about our home planet. In […]

    ‘Keep It in the Ground’ Approach to Fossil Fuels on Public Lands Would Cut Climate Emissions, Study Confirms

    ‘Keep It in the Ground’ Approach to Fossil Fuels on Public Lands Would Cut Climate Emissions, Study Confirms

    By Justin Mikulka Limiting fossil fuel production on U.S. federal lands would reduce both global oil consumption and overall carbon emissions, according to a new study by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), a research organization focused on sustainable development. In the study, SEI researchers specifically examined the policies proposed in the “Keep It in the […]

    100+ Cities Now Powered by at Least 70% Renewables

    100+ Cities Now Powered by at Least 70% Renewables

    A growing list of cities and municipalities is leading a renewable energy revolution that their national governments either cannot—or will not—address. More than 100 cities around the world now get at least 70 percent of their electricity from renewable sources such solar, wind, geothermal and hydropower, according to new research from the non-profit CDP. That’s […]