
Awareness of Food Waste Can Help Us Appreciate Holiday Meals

Awareness of Food Waste Can Help Us Appreciate Holiday Meals

By Bryce Hannibal Americans celebrate the winter holidays in many ways, which typically include an abundance of food, drinks, desserts—and waste. Food waste is receiving increasing attention from managers, activists, policymakers and scholars, who call it a global social problem. According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, wealthy nations waste nearly as much food […]

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    Trump’s EPA Sides With Monsanto, Extends Dicamba​ 2 More Years

    Trump’s EPA Sides With Monsanto, Extends Dicamba​ 2 More Years

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Wednesday that it would allow farmers to continue spraying the controversial pesticide dicamba for the next two years. Dicamba is sold by Monsanto to be used on soybean and cotton plants genetically engineered to be resistant to the weedkiller. The problem is that it drifts on the wind, […]

    83% Decline of Freshwater Animals Underscores Need to Protect and Restore Freshwaters

    83% Decline of Freshwater Animals Underscores Need to Protect and Restore Freshwaters

    This year’s Living Planet Report shows that populations of animals—including mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians—plummeted by 60 percent between 1970 and 2014. But those living in freshwater are experiencing a far more drastic decline: 83% since 1970. It’s a sobering statistic and one tied directly to the ever-increasing pressures that people are putting on […]

    Brazil’s New President Could Spell Catastrophe for the Amazon, Indigenous Rights and Global Climate

    Brazil’s New President Could Spell Catastrophe for the Amazon, Indigenous Rights and Global Climate

    Far-right congressman Jair Bolsonaro, whose hostile campaign rhetoric has earned him comparisons to U.S. President Donald Trump, won Brazil’s presidential election Sunday, a development that has raised concerns about the future of human rights and environmental action in the world’s sixth-largest greenhouse gas emitter, CNN reported. Like Trump, Bolsonaro has made homophobic, sexist and racist […]

    Yes, Eating Meat Affects the Environment, But Cows Are Not Killing the Climate

    Yes, Eating Meat Affects the Environment, But Cows Are Not Killing the Climate

    By Frank M. Mitloehner As the scale and impacts of climate change become increasingly alarming, meat is a popular target for action. Advocates urge the public to eat less meat to save the environment. Some activists have called for taxing meat to reduce consumption of it. A key claim underlying these arguments holds that globally, […]

    Lab-Grown Meat Debate Overlooks Cows’ Range of Use Worldwide

    Lab-Grown Meat Debate Overlooks Cows’ Range of Use Worldwide

    By Alison Van Eenennaam A battle royale is brewing over what to call animal cells grown in cell culture for food. Should it be in-vitro meat, cellular meat, cultured meat or fermented meat? What about animal-free meat, slaughter-free meat, artificial meat, synthetic meat, zombie meat, lab-grown meat, non-meat or artificial muscle proteins? Then there is […]

    Former Monsanto Executive Picked by Trump to Lead Wildlife Agency

    Former Monsanto Executive Picked by Trump to Lead Wildlife Agency

    President Donald Trump said he will nominate a former Monsanto executive to head the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the Associated Press reported Tuesday. Aurelia Skipwith, who Western Values Project Executive Director Chris Saeger called “a darling of corporate special interests,” worked at the agribusiness giant for more than six years. She has since worked […]