donald trump

‘Absolutely Unconscionable’: Trump EPA Refuses to Limit Toxic Chemicals Contaminating Drinking Water

‘Absolutely Unconscionable’: Trump EPA Refuses to Limit Toxic Chemicals Contaminating Drinking Water

By Jessica Corbett In a decision deemed by critics unsurprising but also “absolutely unconscionable,” the Trump administration’s U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reportedly plans to refrain from regulating a pair of toxic chemicals linked to kidney and testicular cancer, even though they are contaminating millions of Americans’ drinking water. Sources familiar with an unreleased draft […]

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    Crucial Climate Data Archive Taken Offline Amid Shutdown

    Crucial Climate Data Archive Taken Offline Amid Shutdown

    A number of websites for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are currently unavailable for public access due to a “lapse in appropriations” from the ongoing government shutdown, an agency spokesperson told The Hill. For instance, the website for the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)—a vast and significant archive of historical climate, oceanic, […]

    Nuclear Power Is Economically Obsolete

    Nuclear Power Is Economically Obsolete

    By Grant Smith Last year the Trump administration’s Energy Department announced the launch of a media campaign to counter what an official called “misinformation” about nuclear power. We haven’t noticed an upsurge in pro-nuclear news—because there is none to report. On the first day of 2019, the energy industry trade journal Power asked whether new […]

    Court Rules EPA Must Release 20,000 Emails Between Wheeler, Other Top Officials and Polluting Industries

    Court Rules EPA Must Release 20,000 Emails Between Wheeler, Other Top Officials and Polluting Industries

    A federal court has ordered that top officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—including Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler—must release about 20,000 emails exchanged with industry groups, The Washington Post reported Monday. The December 26 decision by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California was the result of a lawsuit brought by the […]

    U.S. Carbon Emissions Spiked 3.4% in 2018, Second-Largest Increase Since 1996

    U.S. Carbon Emissions Spiked 3.4% in 2018, Second-Largest Increase Since 1996

    Carbon emissions in the U.S. experienced a sharp upswing in 2018, despite a record number of coal-fired power plant closings, according to new data. An analysis released by the research firm Rhodium Group Tuesday shows that emissions rose by 3.4 percent last year—the second-largest gain in more than twenty years. The analysis also found that […]

    What the Government Shutdown Means for Our Coasts and Ocean

    What the Government Shutdown Means for Our Coasts and Ocean

    By Pete Stauffer The partial shutdown of the federal government reached its 16th day on Monday with no immediate resolution in sight. With border security politics dominating the headlines, Republican and Democrat lawmakers remained locked in a stalemate while President Trump signaled a willingness to keep the government shut down for months or even years. […]

    2019 Will Be a Big Year for Water

    2019 Will Be a Big Year for Water

    By Tara Lohan In the last few weeks of 2018, the Trump administration set the stage for a big battle over water in the new year. At stake is an important rule that defines which waters are protected under the Clean Water Act. The Trump administration seeks to roll back important protections for wetlands and […]