donald trump

‘It’s Not Going to Get Turned Around in 10 Years’: Sen. Feinstein Criticized for Dismissive Attitude to Young Climate Activists

‘It’s Not Going to Get Turned Around in 10 Years’: Sen. Feinstein Criticized for Dismissive Attitude to Young Climate Activists

An encounter between 15 San Francisco middle and high school students and California Senator Dianne Feinstein on Friday revealed a generational divide within the Democratic party when it comes to acting on climate change. The children arrived to ask Feinstein to support the Green New Deal resolution proposed by Democratic New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez […]

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    New Video Shows Damage Wrought by Trump’s Border Wall

    New Video Shows Damage Wrought by Trump’s Border Wall

    Drone footage of new border wall in New Mexico shows that the Trump administration’s border militarization is already damaging ecosystems and wildlife. Trump waived 25 laws that protect clean air, clean water, public lands and endangered wildlife to speed construction of 20 miles of new walls. The video, taken by the Center for Biological Diversity […]

    Wheeler’s EPA Keeps Brain-Damaging Chlorpyrifos in Food

    Wheeler’s EPA Keeps Brain-Damaging Chlorpyrifos in Food

    Health and labor organizations will have to argue again in court that chlorpyrifos, a brain-damaging pesticide, must be banned from all food uses, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday. The decision comes four months after Andrew Wheeler’s U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asked the court to rehear the case either by the three-judge […]

    Trump Neglects Climate Change in State of the Union While Democrats Invite Scientists and Activists to Highlight the Threat

    Trump Neglects Climate Change in State of the Union While Democrats Invite Scientists and Activists to Highlight the Threat

    President Donald Trump delivered the State of the Union address Tuesday night, focusing on his signature issues like the economy and immigration and warning lawmakers that the ongoing investigation into his conduct posed a threat to national security, The New York Times reported. But there was one real major threat to the nation, and the […]

    Trump Nominates ‘Walking Conflict of Interest’ David Bernhardt to Permanently Replace Zinke as Interior Secretary

    Trump Nominates ‘Walking Conflict of Interest’ David Bernhardt to Permanently Replace Zinke as Interior Secretary

    President Donald Trump officially nominated David Bernhardt—a former energy lobbyist environmental groups have described as a “walking conflict of interest”—to officially take over as interior secretary after Ryan Zinke stepped down in December 2018 following various scandals. “It’s a humbling privilege to be nominated to lead a Department whose mission I love, to accomplish the […]

    Wheeler Appoints Climate Denier to EPA Science Board

    Wheeler Appoints Climate Denier to EPA Science Board

    Former coal lobbyist and acting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler has named a climate denier to serve on the agency’s Science Advisory Board, which is responsible for giving independent policy advice. Among eight new members added to the board Thursday is University of Alabama in Huntsville atmospheric science professor John Christy, who […]

    Did Nestlé Use the Shutdown for Good PR?

    Did Nestlé Use the Shutdown for Good PR?

    By Miranda Fox The impacts of the government shutdown on the nation’s national parks have been widely reported: overflowing bathrooms, decimated habitat and widespread litter resulted in parks that remained open without staff oversight and management. In response, individuals, organizations and corporations have volunteered to help out with the clean-up. One of these is Nestlé […]

    Renewed Hope for Eastern Monarch Butterfly?

    Renewed Hope for Eastern Monarch Butterfly?

    The yearly count of monarch butterflies overwintering in Mexico, released Wednesday, shows an increase of 144 percent from last year’s count and is the highest count since 2006. That’s good news for a species whose numbers had fallen in recent years, but conservationists say the monarch continues to need Endangered Species Act protection. The count […]

    9 Out of 10 States Most at Risk From Climate Change Voted for Trump

    9 Out of 10 States Most at Risk From Climate Change Voted for Trump

    U.S. opinion on climate change is still highly polarized, with 82 percent of Democrats and only around 25 percent of Republicans ranking it a “very serious” problem, according to a November poll from Monmouth University. However, that divide is weakening. The same poll found that 64 percent of Republicans now acknowledge that it is happening, […]