weight loss

Does Intermittent Fasting Boost Your Metabolism?

Does Intermittent Fasting Boost Your Metabolism?

By Helen West Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that involves periods of food restriction (fasting) followed by normal eating. This pattern of eating could help you lose weight, reduce your risk of disease and increase your lifespan (1, 2). Some experts even claim that its beneficial effects on metabolism make it a healthier way […]

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    6 Ways You Might Be Slowing Your Metabolism

    6 Ways You Might Be Slowing Your Metabolism

    By Franziska Spritzler Keeping your metabolism high is crucial for losing weight and keeping it off. Unfortunately, there are several common lifestyle mistakes that may be slowing down your metabolism. Doing these on a regular basis could make it hard to lose weight and make you more prone to weight gain in the future. Here […]

    30 Awesome Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar Everyday

    30 Awesome Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar Everyday

    By Helen West Apple cider vinegar is a kitchen staple that has several impressive health benefits. Interestingly, it also has a ton of different beauty, household and cooking uses. Apple cider vinegar is a kitchen staple that has several impressive health benefits.Shutterstock Apple cider vinegar uses include cleaning, washing hair, preserving food and improving skin […]

    5 Ways to Balance Your Hormones and Lose Weight

    5 Ways to Balance Your Hormones and Lose Weight

    “I’ve hit a stubborn weight-loss plateau,” writes this week’s house call, “even though I seem to be doing everything right, like eating the right foods and exercising. How can I overcome that obstacle?” I’ve discussed different reasons for weight-loss resistance in past blogs. Many obstacles have nothing to do with what you eat or how […]

    7 Superfoods That Help You Burn Fat

    7 Superfoods That Help You Burn Fat

    By JJ Virgin That hyperbolic headline stared me front and center recently while I patiently waited in my grocery line. Reluctantly, I grabbed the weekly and thumbed straight to the article claiming a specific “superfood” could make you lean and energetic while upping your libido. Uh, huh. I rolled my eyes, winced and put the […]

    Carbs vs. Fats: What’s the Bottom Line?

    Carbs vs. Fats: What’s the Bottom Line?

    Wednesday I explained why “butter is back” is not useful dietary advice, even when studies show that eating butter has little or no effect on disease risk (the total diet and calories are what matter). Now I can say the same thing about low-carbohydrate diets. The debate about whether fat or carbohydrates is responsible for […]

    8 Ways to Optimize Nutrient Levels and Lose Weight

    8 Ways to Optimize Nutrient Levels and Lose Weight

    “Dr. Hyman, I’ve eliminated toxic foods, I exercise every day and overall I live a healthy lifestyle, yet I haven’t been able to get anywhere near my goal weight,” writes this week’s house call. “What gives?” I understand how frustrating this can become, especially when you feel like you’ve tried everything. You made a conscious […]

    Dr. Mark Hyman: The Secret Fat That Makes You Thin

    Dr. Mark Hyman: The Secret Fat That Makes You Thin

    “Dr. Hyman, I’ve heard you mention MCT oil before,” writes this week’s house call. “Can you tell me more about it and the potential benefits?” MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides. They are a type of fatty acid that is derived from coconut oil. Consider MCT oil as a super fuel for your cells, because it […]

    Dr. Mark Hyman: 10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Fat to Get Thin

    Dr. Mark Hyman: 10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Fat to Get Thin

    “Everyone seems to be talking about fat these days. That fat somehow is good now and can help with weight loss and disease prevention. How can that be true when for decades we all were told that fat was the bad guy?” asks this week’s house call. “What are its benefits? Are there any downsides […]