polar bears

‘Into the Thaw’: Jon Waterman on a Changing Alaska

‘Into the Thaw’: Jon Waterman on a Changing Alaska

With each new federal administration, energy priorities shift. With the election of Donald Trump in 2024, one of his administration’s key promises, enforced by an executive order on January 20 this year and as promised in Project 2025, was to try to ramp up oil and gas drilling in the continental U.S. A key location […]

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    Arctic Sea Ice 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Arctic Sea Ice 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Quick Key Facts What Is Arctic Sea Ice? Sea ice forms and covers most of the Arctic Ocean during the shorter, darker winter months. How much of the ocean’s surface is covered in sea ice is an important indicator of climate change. By mid-September, after the summer melt, the area covered by Arctic sea ice […]

    Polar Bear Week Is Almost Here

    Polar Bear Week Is Almost Here

    By Geoff York Whenever I’m fortunate enough to travel north, the stress of daily life seems to fall away with each mile as one goes further away from built environments and closer to raw nature. Returning to Churchill, the small community on the shores of Hudson Bay, is no different. Churchill has a slower pace […]

    Biden Admin. Sued for Giving Big Oil Green Light to Harass Polar Bears, Walruses

    Biden Admin. Sued for Giving Big Oil Green Light to Harass Polar Bears, Walruses

    By Jessica Corbett A coalition of conservation groups sued the Biden administration on Thursday over the U.S. Department of the Interior’s recent rule allowing fossil fuel companies to harass polar bears and walruses while searching and drilling for oil and gas in the Southern Beaufort Sea. Announced last month by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife […]