
Half of Global Mangroves Are at Risk of Collapsing, IUCN Warns

Half of Global Mangroves Are at Risk of Collapsing, IUCN Warns

A new report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has found that about half of all mangrove ecosystems in the world are at risk of collapsing, meaning they are considered vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered by the organization’s Red List of Ecosystem standards. Further, about 19.6% of mangroves, nearly one in five, […]

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    1,500 Square Miles of Coastal Wetlands Have Vanished in Two Decades, Study Finds

    1,500 Square Miles of Coastal Wetlands Have Vanished in Two Decades, Study Finds

    Coastal wetlands are vitally important ecosystems. They store carbon dioxide, protect seaside communities from storms and provide habitats for marine life. Yet in the past two decades, Earth has lost 4,000 square kilometers (approximately 1,544 square miles) of tidal flats, tidal marshes and mangroves, a new study published in Science Thursday found. That’s a loss […]

    Why Planting Mangroves Can Help Save the Planet

    Why Planting Mangroves Can Help Save the Planet

    Mangroves are magic. Planting more of them could help restore the health of the planet’s lands, seas and climate. Why? It turns out, these incredible trees are doing us a lot of favors to keep many of our habitats (including human ones) healthier and safe. “Mangroves are often under-appreciated, with most people not realizing their […]

    5 Reasons to Protect Mangrove Forests for the Future

    5 Reasons to Protect Mangrove Forests for the Future

    By Johnny Wood To the uninitiated, mangroves might appear to be merely coastal cousins of inland forests, but these rich ecosystems support the planet and people in unique ways, from providing breeding grounds for fish to carbon storage, to protection against flooding. Yet despite their importance, mangrove forests are under threat. Over a third have […]

    Singapore Will Plant One Million Trees by 2030

    Singapore Will Plant One Million Trees by 2030

    By Claire Turrell Languishing in the soft, silty mud, the living fossil looked as if it didn’t have a care in the world as it feasted on the fish left stranded in the tidal mangrove pools of the Sungei Buloh wetlands. However, the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) might have been a little less at ease […]