
Flood Protection by Mangroves Saves $855 Billion Globally, Report Finds

Flood Protection by Mangroves Saves $855 Billion Globally, Report Finds

In a new report, researchers estimate that the economic value that mangroves provide as protection against flooding amounts to about $855 billion globally. The report, led by researchers at the Center for Coastal Climate Resilience at University of California, Santa Cruz, utilized advanced flood risk modeling over around 700,000 kilometers (434,960 miles) of subtropical coastlines […]

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    Wetlands 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Wetlands 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Quick Key Facts What Are ‘Wetlands’? A wetland is exactly what it sounds like: ground that is covered by or saturated with water for all or part of the year. The water that makes a wetland can come from a variety of different sources, including ocean tides; freshwater sources like lakes, rivers, or ponds; underground […]

    Blue Carbon 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Blue Carbon 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Quick Key Facts What Is Blue Carbon? Carbon dioxide is one of the leading greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change, with human activities like the extraction and burning of fossil fuels having raised the atmosphere’s CO2 content by 50% in under 200 years, according to scientists at NOAA.  As many look for solutions to sequester […]

    Mangroves and Coral Reefs Yield Positive Return on Investment for Flood Protection, Study Finds

    Mangroves and Coral Reefs Yield Positive Return on Investment for Flood Protection, Study Finds

    Using a benefit-risk analysis, researchers have found that mangroves and coral reefs can be cost-effective in reducing coastal flooding, a press release from the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), said. Using risk and insurance industry techniques, the researchers were able to show that the gains from reduced damage from floods outweighed the costs of […]

    1,500 Square Miles of Coastal Wetlands Have Vanished in Two Decades, Study Finds

    1,500 Square Miles of Coastal Wetlands Have Vanished in Two Decades, Study Finds

    Coastal wetlands are vitally important ecosystems. They store carbon dioxide, protect seaside communities from storms and provide habitats for marine life. Yet in the past two decades, Earth has lost 4,000 square kilometers (approximately 1,544 square miles) of tidal flats, tidal marshes and mangroves, a new study published in Science Thursday found. That’s a loss […]

    Why Planting Mangroves Can Help Save the Planet

    Why Planting Mangroves Can Help Save the Planet

    Mangroves are magic. Planting more of them could help restore the health of the planet’s lands, seas and climate. Why? It turns out, these incredible trees are doing us a lot of favors to keep many of our habitats (including human ones) healthier and safe. “Mangroves are often under-appreciated, with most people not realizing their […]

    5 Reasons to Protect Mangrove Forests for the Future

    5 Reasons to Protect Mangrove Forests for the Future

    By Johnny Wood To the uninitiated, mangroves might appear to be merely coastal cousins of inland forests, but these rich ecosystems support the planet and people in unique ways, from providing breeding grounds for fish to carbon storage, to protection against flooding. Yet despite their importance, mangrove forests are under threat. Over a third have […]