
Obama Mandates Precedent-Setting Task Force to Protect Honey Bees and Other Pollinators

Obama Mandates Precedent-Setting Task Force to Protect Honey Bees and Other Pollinators

During the close of National Pollinator Week, the White House issued a Presidential Memorandum on pollinator health to the heads of federal agencies requiring action to “reverse pollinator losses and help restore populations to healthy levels.” The President is directing agencies to establish a Pollinator Health Task Force, and to develop a National Pollinator Health Strategy, including […]

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    Historic Federal Decision Finds West Virginia Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Companies Guilty of Damaging Streams

    Historic Federal Decision Finds West Virginia Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Companies Guilty of Damaging Streams

    Believe it or not, no federal court in the U.S. had ever ruled that high conductivity discharges from coal mines were harmful to streams until this week. Everything changed with a historic decision in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia that found two companies guilty of violating clean water protections. The decision was a […]

    ‘Earth Focus’ Exposes Illegal, Inhumane Dolphin Hunting in Peru

    ‘Earth Focus’ Exposes Illegal, Inhumane Dolphin Hunting in Peru

    Shark meat consumption is on the rise in Peru, and the price of traditional bait is growing right along with it. Those facts have led fisherman in places like Lima to target some of the 30 dolphin species found in the Pacific Ocean off the country’s coast, which is known as the most bioproductive oceanic […]

    Big Oil Eyes Florida’s Public Lands, Plans to Drill in the Everglades

    Big Oil Eyes Florida’s Public Lands, Plans to Drill in the Everglades

    Plans to drill for oil close to the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge on the western edge of the Everglades have environmentalists worried. A number of companies want to drill and test beneath the Big Cypress National Preserve where prospectors believe significant new oil and gas resources lie buried. Exploratory operations would involve driving off-road […]

    U.S. Military-Trained Dolphins Forced to Fight Human Wars

    U.S. Military-Trained Dolphins Forced to Fight Human Wars

    Early last week, it was reported that the U.S. Navy was sending military-trained dolphins to the Black Sea as an additional layer of defense against the Russian Navy, which had reportedly recently taken control of Ukraine’s military-trained marine life, including dolphins. The U.S. Navy has used sea lions, dolphins and other marine mammals since the 1960s to […]

    7 PR Tricks Pesticide Companies Use to Spin Bee Crisis

    7 PR Tricks Pesticide Companies Use to Spin Bee Crisis

    On the eve of Bayer’s Annual Stockholders’ Meeting in Germany, author Michele Simon and Friends of the Earth released a new report documenting the tactics used by Bayer and other pesticide companies to delay regulatory action on neonicotinoid (neonic) pesticides—a key contributor to bee declines. The European Union banned the three most widely used neonicotinoids, […]