endangered species

More Than 1.1 Million Sea Turtles Poached Between 1990 and 2020, Study Finds

More Than 1.1 Million Sea Turtles Poached Between 1990 and 2020, Study Finds

Nearly all species of sea turtles are considered endangered, according to WWF. Despite this, people have continued to poach them for food, medicine and luxury goods in astonishing numbers. The first ever global assessment of illegal sea turtle hunting to consider multiple countries and regions, published in Global Change Biology Wednesday, found that more than […]

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    Emerald Green Hummingbird Deemed ‘Lost to Science’ Reemerges in Colombia

    Emerald Green Hummingbird Deemed ‘Lost to Science’ Reemerges in Colombia

    By Liz Kimbrough In the mountains of Colombia, an experienced bird-watcher saw an iridescent flash of blue and green. “A hummingbird caught my attention. I got out my binoculars and was shocked to see that it was a Santa Marta sabrewing,” Yurgen Vega said. “This sighting was a complete surprise, but a very welcome one.” […]

    Could Tolerant and Peaceful Bonobos Be the Model for Human Peacemaking?

    Could Tolerant and Peaceful Bonobos Be the Model for Human Peacemaking?

    Humans share 98.7 percent of their DNA with two species of endangered great apes: bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Bonobos — which can only be found in forested regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), south of the Congo River — differ from chimpanzees in appearance and behavior. They are usually smaller, and their societal groups are led by females and are generally more peaceful.

    Wild Tiger Numbers Up 40 Percent Since 2015 Assessment

    Wild Tiger Numbers Up 40 Percent Since 2015 Assessment

    The news came in an update announced last Thursday to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. While tigers (Panthera tigris) are still considered Endangered, there are 40 percent more of them than was indicated by the last population assessment in 2015.