endangered species

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    Number of Australia’s Fish Species Considered Critically Endangered Doubles

    Number of Australia’s Fish Species Considered Critically Endangered Doubles

    The amount of critically endangered fish species in Australia has recently doubled after nine species were newly categorized as critically endangered in March. All nine species are part of the galaxias genus, and an additional tenth galaxias species has been labeled as endangered. The findings present an urgent need to conserve these species. One major […]

    CITES Sanctions Mexico as Protections for Vaquita Fall Short

    CITES Sanctions Mexico as Protections for Vaquita Fall Short

    The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has announced sanctions against Mexico, asserting that the country’s efforts to protect the critically endangered vaquita are failing. Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) are the rarest marine mammal on the planet, with only about 10 individuals of the species remaining, according to the […]

    Scientists Identify Plastic as New Threat to Andean Condors in Protected Areas

    Scientists Identify Plastic as New Threat to Andean Condors in Protected Areas

    Plastic is everywhere and now, scientists have confirmed plastic as a new threat to Andean condors even in protected areas of Peru. Research revealed high amounts of plastic in the diets and the regurgitated pellets of these birds. Researchers were studying Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) feeding interactions in Peru when they noticed that samples from […]

    Deep-Sea Mining Could Harm Whales and Dolphins, Too

    Deep-Sea Mining Could Harm Whales and Dolphins, Too

    Blue whales are the largest animals on Earth, but that didn’t save them when commercial whaling wiped out as much as 97 percent of their numbers. Today, the aquatic giants are still considered Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, and while their numbers are increasing, they still face threats including […]