
8 Signs of Dehydration

8 Signs of Dehydration

Are you thirsty? So is the rest of the United States. Nearly 80 percent of working adults self-report that they don’t drink enough water, according to a survey conducted by Quench, which is a filtered water system provider. The body is almost 60 percent water, which is necessary for nearly every bodily function. People can […]

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    10 Natural Ways to Detox and Boost Your Immunity at Home

    10 Natural Ways to Detox and Boost Your Immunity at Home

    Toxins enter the body through what we eat, drink, breathe in, and process in any way. Once inside, toxins overtax our immune system and detoxification system and leave us more vulnerable to illness — not ideal during cold and flu season, and especially not this year during a pandemic — and make us age a […]

    Vitamin K: A Little-Known But Noteworthy Nutrient

    Vitamin K: A Little-Known But Noteworthy Nutrient

    By Kyla Shea When Danish scientist Henrik Dam fed a cholesterol-free diet to baby chicks in his lab about 90 years ago, he noticed excessive bleeding in some of them. It did not stop after he replaced the cholesterol. Dam ultimately concluded the bleeding was related to a “depletion of an anti-hemorrhagic compound,” which he […]

    Find the Best Vegan Protein Bars of 2022

    Find the Best Vegan Protein Bars of 2022

    While any ol’ protein bar offers convenience, not all bars are created equal in terms of overall nutritional value and, certainly, overall level of sustainability and eco-friendly production. So, which are the best vegan protein bars on the market? Finding the right protein bar can be hard, and the job is even tougher when you’re […]

    Sunbasket Review: Healthy, Sustainable Meal Delivery

    Sunbasket Review: Healthy, Sustainable Meal Delivery

    There are a lot of meal delivery companies out there, and while most of them offer great food for a decent price, not all meal delivery services are created equal with regard to sustainability practices. In this Sunbasket review, we’ll introduce you to a company that truly makes it easy to cook delicious meals responsibly. […]

    MCT vs Coconut Oil: Which Do I Buy?

    MCT vs Coconut Oil: Which Do I Buy?

    MCT oil is a supplement touted for its benefits, which may include weight loss, increased energy and improved cognitive function. MCT, which stands for medium chain triglyceride, contains saturated fatty acids that can be broken down quickly for energy when compared to poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids. Some food sources are coconut oil, palm kernel […]

    Is Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar in the Morning Beneficial?

    Is Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar in the Morning Beneficial?

    By Jillian Kubala, MS, RDI It’s unlikely that taking a swig of apple cider vinegar in the morning will significantly affect weight loss. Q: Is drinking apple cider vinegar in water first thing in the morning good for cleansing and weight loss? If so, how much is recommended? Countless tips and tricks on how to […]

    Does Apple Cider Vinegar Go Bad?

    Does Apple Cider Vinegar Go Bad?

    By Lauren Panoff, MPH, RD Apple cider vinegar is often used in cooking and baking, or to make marinades, dressings, and even beverages. To make it, chopped apples are covered with water and left to ferment to form ethanol. Natural bacteria convert the ethanol into acetic acid, which is the main component of vinegar. It’s […]