
‘The Day After Tomorrow’ Ice Age Scenario Could Be Possible, Researchers Say

‘The Day After Tomorrow’ Ice Age Scenario Could Be Possible, Researchers Say

Two separate and very different studies have confirmed a climate paradox—that global warming and a slowdown in the Atlantic Ocean currents could trigger climate change and bring a prolonged chill in Europe. Icicles glisten as the sun sets in Denmark. Photo credit: Teralaser / Flickr One researcher argues that not only could it happen, it […]

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    Hawaii on Verge of Worst Coral Bleaching in History as Water Temperatures Soar

    Hawaii on Verge of Worst Coral Bleaching in History as Water Temperatures Soar

    Hawaii’s majestic coral reef, which makes up roughly 85 percent of all coral reefs in the country, could be entering a perilous state. The state’s corals could experience the worst bleaching its history this year as surrounding water temperatures rise at abnormal rates, scientists warn. High water temperatures in #Hawaii expected to cause terrible #coralbleaching […]

    Stunning NASA Photos Reveal Sun, Moon and Pluto Up Close

    Stunning NASA Photos Reveal Sun, Moon and Pluto Up Close

    NASA is like that one friend of yours who always takes the best pictures. Last month, they gave us a rare glimpse of the dark side of the moon. And around the same time, they snapped a picture of the International Space Station as it crossed in front of the moon. And now, they’ve captured the Space […]

    Earth Has Lost Half of Its Trees Since Dawn of Civilization

    Earth Has Lost Half of Its Trees Since Dawn of Civilization

    An international collaboration of scientists has just completed the ultimate green census—by calculating that the planet is home to 3.04 trillion trees. The latest estimate is far higher and almost certainly more accurate than any previous attempt. But the bad news is that humans are removing trees at the rate of 15 billion a year—and […]

    Sea Level Rising Faster Than Expected, NASA Warns

    Sea Level Rising Faster Than Expected, NASA Warns

    New research underway indicates that at least three feet of global sea level rise is near certain, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists warned Wednesday. Sea levels have already risen 3 inches on average since 1992, with some areas experiencing as much as a 9-inch rise. Photo credit: NASA / Saskia Madlener That’s the higher […]

    One of World’s Fastest Melting Glaciers May Have Lost Largest Chunk of Ice in Recorded History

    One of World’s Fastest Melting Glaciers May Have Lost Largest Chunk of Ice in Recorded History

    With the world’s glaciers melting at record rates, the Jakobshavn—Greenland‘s fastest-moving glacier and one of the fastest melting in the world—may have lost its largest chunk of ice in recorded history. Massive calving event on Greenland’s fastest melting #glacier Images: — The Ice Age (@Jamie_Woodward_) August 20, 2015 The Washington Post reported […]

    Why Green Beans Are Fruits and Strawberries Are Not

    Why Green Beans Are Fruits and Strawberries Are Not

    When scientists classify fruits, vegetables and nuts, it all comes down to anatomy. But in popular culture, we often get it all mixed up calling fruits vegetables and vegetables fruits. Thankfully, the good people at SciShow are here to clear things up. They’ve put together a video that explains how common produce items should really be classified. Sure, […]

    NASA: ‘If You See One Meteor Shower This Year, Make It the Perseids’

    NASA: ‘If You See One Meteor Shower This Year, Make It the Perseids’

    One of the best meteor showers of the year—the Perseids—will delight stargazers this week. “If you see one meteor shower this year, make it August’s Perseids or December’s Geminids,” NASA says. “The Perseids feature fast and bright meteors that frequently leave trains, and in 2015 there will be no moonlight to upstage the shower.” Plus, August is […]

    NASA Astronauts Grow Vegetables in Space for First Time

    NASA Astronauts Grow Vegetables in Space for First Time

    Goodbye freeze-dried space food. NASA’s astronauts aboard the International Space Station are taking a giant leap with its menu: fresh-grown vegetables. 3 astronauts will harvest and taste space-grown lettuce today at 11:15am on @NASA TV… — Intl. Space Station (@Space_Station) August 10, 2015 Expedition 44 crew members, including astronaut Scott Kelly who’s on […]