
Hidden ‘Highways’ Connect Brazilian Rainforests, Aiding Dispersal of Tree Species, Research Reveals

Hidden ‘Highways’ Connect Brazilian Rainforests, Aiding Dispersal of Tree Species, Research Reveals

Forests growing along the edges of rivers in Brazil act as “highways” allowing tree species to traverse between the Atlantic and Amazon rainforests, a phenomenon that has been occurring for millions of years, according to new research led by University of Exeter and Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE). Hundreds of miles of savanna and dry […]

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    5 of the World’s Most Spectacular National Parks

    5 of the World’s Most Spectacular National Parks

    The best way to experience what our planet was like before modern humans began to dramatically change the landscape is to go where the wilderness is. There are more than 200,000 protected areas across the globe that, as of mid-2021, covered 16.64 percent of the land and 7.74 percent of oceans. These national parks exemplify […]

    8 Things You Can Do to Help Save the Rainforest in 2022

    8 Things You Can Do to Help Save the Rainforest in 2022

    One-third of the original tropical rainforest is gone. One-third of the original tropical rainforest is degraded. One-third of the original tropical rainforest is still intact. Those were the startling findings from the first-of-its-kind State of the Tropical Rainforest report published in 2020.1 Aside from all of the species and animals being harmed by deforestation, tropical […]

    Cleared Land Can Return to Tropical Forest in Just 20 Years

    Cleared Land Can Return to Tropical Forest in Just 20 Years

    From the rapid rate of Amazon deforestation to the rainforest’s new role as a net emitter of carbon dioxide, the news about tropical rainforests is looking pretty grim. Now, a study published in Science Thursday offers some hopeful news for a change: previously forested land can return to nearly 80 percent of its old-growth status […]

    Major Fashion Brands Such as Zara, H&M and Prada Tied to Amazon Deforestation

    Major Fashion Brands Such as Zara, H&M and Prada Tied to Amazon Deforestation

    Some of your favorite fashion brands may be putting the Amazon rainforest at risk. A new report released by Stand.earth Monday says that major clothing companies are sourcing their leather from manufacturers and tanneries that have links to Amazon deforestation. “If you’re wearing leather shoes, a leather belt or carrying a leather handbag, it’s highly […]