
Leaked Memo Outlines Trump’s Energy Agenda

Leaked Memo Outlines Trump’s Energy Agenda

By Zachary Davies Boren President-elect Donald Trump is set to gut U.S. environmental regulations, open up federal lands for fossil fuel extraction and quit the Paris climate agreement, according to documents seen by Energydesk. A memo penned by Thomas Pyle, head of the Department of Energy transition team, and obtained by the Center for Media […]

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    Standing Rock Celebrates as Army Corps Denies Key Permit, Halts Project

    Standing Rock Celebrates as Army Corps Denies Key Permit, Halts Project

    The Obama Administration and the Army Corps of Engineers officially denied the easement to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota after a many months-long campaign by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and allies against the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Army Corps will undertake an environmental impact statement (EIS) to look at potential alternative routes […]

    Bill McKibben: How to Save the Planet From Trump

    Bill McKibben: How to Save the Planet From Trump

    We’re going to be dealing with an onslaught of daily emergencies during the Donald Trump years. Already it’s begun—if there’s nothing going on (or in some cases when there is), our leader often begins the day with a tweet to stir the pot and suddenly we’re debating whether burning the flag should lose you your […]

    Thousands of Veterans Arrive at Standing Rock to Act as ‘Human Shields’ for Water Protectors

    Thousands of Veterans Arrive at Standing Rock to Act as ‘Human Shields’ for Water Protectors

    As tensions grow in North Dakota, with multiple eviction orders facing the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their battle against the Dakota Access Pipeline, U.S. military veterans begin arriving at the Oceti Sakowin protest camp. Hundreds of Veterans to Join Water Protectors at Standing Rock to Protest Dakota Access Pipeline https://t.co/ls0d415hLB @IdleNoMoreNews — EcoWatch (@EcoWatch) […]

    Trump Formally Announces Support for the Dakota Access Pipeline

    Trump Formally Announces Support for the Dakota Access Pipeline

    By Mary Sweeters President-Elect Donald Trump formally announced Thursday his support for the completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline. His transition team noted that his support for the pipeline “had nothing to do with his personal investments and everything to do with promoting policies that benefit all Americans.” Trump’s May 2016 financial disclosure revealed significant […]

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: ‘I’ll See You at Standing Rock’

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: ‘I’ll See You at Standing Rock’

    In 1966, my father held Senate hearings to investigate violent attacks by growers against pickers in the produce fields surrounding Delano, California. A young United Farmworkers organizer, Cesar Chavez, was orchestrating peaceful protests by Filipino and Chicano farmworkers against meager pay and brutal working conditions. My father only reluctantly attended the hearings. While he was […]

    The Standing Rock Protests Are a Symbolic Moment

    The Standing Rock Protests Are a Symbolic Moment

    This past Thursday was Thanksgiving. A time when we remember a feast, the first Thanksgiving, on Plymouth plantation in the autumn of 1621. The tales of pilgrims from the Mayflower who celebrated the harvest, shared and broke bread with the first Americans, are still used as inspiration and shared with children, teaching them the beauty […]

    Canada Approves Kinder Morgan, Enbridge Pipelines Despite Fierce Opposition

    Canada Approves Kinder Morgan, Enbridge Pipelines Despite Fierce Opposition

    Canadian PM Justin Trudeau announced Tuesday that the Canadian government would approve two major tar sands pipeline projects, including expansion of the controversial Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline. “Our duty is to permit infrastructure so Canada’s resources get to market in a more environmentally responsible way, creating jobs and a thriving economy,” Trudeau said at […]