
Not Even Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Will Be Spared From Sea Level Rise

Not Even Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Will Be Spared From Sea Level Rise

By Nika Knight A new report shows that many previous estimates of global sea level rise by 2100 were far too conservative, the Washington Post reported Thursday, and the research comes as new maps and graphics from Climate Central vividly show how disastrous that flooding will be for U.S. cities. The report, Snow, Water, Ice […]

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    GOP to NASA: Forget Climate Science, Focus on Space

    GOP to NASA: Forget Climate Science, Focus on Space

    For years, Republican lawmakers have tried to scrap NASA‘s climate change research in favor of space exploration, but with President Trump and his cabinet of climate skeptics now in control, the space agency’s earth sciences budget could finally be on the chopping block. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), the notoriously science-averse chairman of the House Committee […]

    Michael Mann: It’s Open Season on Climate Scientists

    Michael Mann: It’s Open Season on Climate Scientists

    I coined the term “Serengeti Strategy” in my 2012 book The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars. It’s meant to describe how industry special interests and their patrons in power single out individual researchers or teams of scientists for attack, in much the same way lions of the Serengeti single out an individual zebra from […]

    Federal Agencies Barred From Speaking to Press, Posting on Social Media

    Federal Agencies Barred From Speaking to Press, Posting on Social Media

    Staffers at several federal agencies dealing with scientific data and environmental policy—including the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture, National Park Service, Department of Transportation and Health and Human Services—have reportedly received various degrees of formal instruction barring them from speaking to press or using social media. OMG! #Trump Administration Tells #EPA to Cut #ClimateChange […]

    It’s Official: 2016 Was the Hottest Year Ever Recorded

    It’s Official: 2016 Was the Hottest Year Ever Recorded

    2016 was the hottest year ever recorded, smashing records set in 2014 and 2015. This marks the third consecutive year of record-breaking heat, a first in the modern era. 2016 is the hottest year on record by a wide margin, 1.69 F (0.94 C) warmer than the 20th century average. [facebook expand=1] Deke Arndt, […]

    Global Warming ‘Hiatus’ Gets Another Dunking

    Global Warming ‘Hiatus’ Gets Another Dunking

    New research has confirmed that there was no global warming “pause” in the mid-2000s, validating the work of government scientists and squashing a favorite argument of climate change deniers. Ocean buoy (green) and satellite data (orange) measuring sea surface temperatures compared to updated NOAA predictions concluded in 2015 (red) after adjusting for a cold bias […]

    Scientists Say 2016 Is Hottest Year Ever Recorded

    Scientists Say 2016 Is Hottest Year Ever Recorded

    Climate scientists are all but assured that 2016 was the hottest year ever recorded. If that sounds familiar, 2014 and 2015 were also the hottest years since record-keeping began in 1880. “2016 will break the global temperature record that was set in 2015, which broke the record that was set in 2014,” climate change scientist […]

    Earth on Pace for Its Warmest Year on Record

    Earth on Pace for Its Warmest Year on Record

    By Jeff Masters November 2016 was Earth’s fifth warmest November since record keeping began in 1880, said NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information on Monday. November 2016 was 0.7 C (1.31 F) warmer than the 20th-century November average, but 0.23 C (0.41 F) cooler than the record warmth of 2015. NASA reported that November 2016 […]

    Sorry, Santa: North Pole Temps Could Climb 50 Degrees Above Normal

    Sorry, Santa: North Pole Temps Could Climb 50 Degrees Above Normal

    By Andrea Germanos Santa will likely be feeling toasty as he does his final checks on the naughty-or-nice list because temperatures at the North Pole on Thursday are forecast to be as much as 50 F above normal. Temperatures are expected to climb to near the freezing point of 32 F, computer models show. Zachary […]