
Despite Their ‘Bad Rap,’ Bats Can Help Farmers

Despite Their ‘Bad Rap,’ Bats Can Help Farmers

April 17 is International Bat Appreciation Day! In celebration of these sometimes unsung nocturnal pollinators, a new study has demonstrated how bats can be allies of agriculture, as they feed on important crop “pests.” The researchers found that encouraging bats can be beneficial for conservation efforts, as well as local farmers, a press release from […]

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    9 Good Bugs for Your Garden and How to Attract Them

    9 Good Bugs for Your Garden and How to Attract Them

    Not all creepy-crawlers are welcome in the garden, but some insects are very beneficial to the success of your flowers, herbs and veggies. According to Almanac, beneficial bugs fall into three categories: pollinators, which help pollinate plants; predators, which feed on garden pests; and parasitizers, like parasitic wasps and other insects that lay eggs inside […]

    Tips for Growing a Budget-Friendly Home Garden

    Tips for Growing a Budget-Friendly Home Garden

    In the dreary winter months, the spring feels a long way out — but warmer days are approaching fast! Pretty soon it’ll be time to dust off the gardening supplies and plan out your plots for the growing season. Vegetable gardens are already a money-saving venture, and the initial input costs lead to a season […]

    Pollinators 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Pollinators 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Quick Key Facts What Are ‘Pollinators’? A pollinator transports pollen from the stamen (male part) of the flower of a plant to the stigma (female part) of the original or another flower. Moving the pollen is necessary to fertilize the plant so that it can produce fruit, seeds and new plants. While the pollen of […]

    Compost Bugs: The Good and the Bad

    Compost Bugs: The Good and the Bad

    Do you ever peer into the compost bin after taking out your kitchen scraps? What do you see (besides your food waste creating rich, beautiful, natural fertilizer)? There are probably a lot of happy creepy-crawlers at work breaking down that green and brown matter, which is exactly what you want to see. But, there might […]