Insights + Opinion

David Suzuki: Diversity Is Key to a Healthy Planet

David Suzuki: Diversity Is Key to a Healthy Planet

It’s been shocking to watch news of the Brexit vote in Britain, Donald Trump‘s promise to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S. and the ongoing threats and violence against ethnic minorities in many parts of the world. I’m not a political or social scientist, but my training as a biologist gives me some […]

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    Big Oil’s Nightmare Comes True

    Big Oil’s Nightmare Comes True

    “This was retail politics and oil lost,” was how Adrienne Alvord of Union of Concerned Scientists summed up the stunning environmental victory Tuesday in the California legislature, a victory which cemented the state’s commitment to a 40 percent reduction in climate pollution by 2030. It’s not accidental that states providing climate leadership are the states […]

    Is Butter Really Back?

    Is Butter Really Back?

    “Dr. Hyman, I have been so confused about saturated fat,” writes this week’s house call. “The government still says to limit saturated fat, yet I read in the news how maybe it’s not really connected to heart disease? Is butter really back?” I understand why there is so much confusion around butter and saturated fat. […]

    Health Dangers of Fracking Revealed in Johns Hopkins Study

    Health Dangers of Fracking Revealed in Johns Hopkins Study

    A new study out today from Johns Hopkins in Environmental Health Perspectives revealed associations between fracking and various health symptoms including nasal and sinus problems, migraines and fatigue in Pennsylvanians living near areas of natural gas development. The study suggests that residents with the highest exposure to active fracking wells are nearly twice as likely […]

    Bill Nye: ‘There’s Enough Wind and Solar’ to Power the World

    Bill Nye: ‘There’s Enough Wind and Solar’ to Power the World

    If you’re wondering if the epic flooding in Louisiana is related to climate change, CNN has your answer. Bill Nye the Science Guy was on CNN’s New Day Tuesday to talk about the flooding in Louisiana, where at least 13 people have been killed and 60,000 homes damaged. “For us, on my side of […]

    EpiPen Scandal: ‘One Death Is Too Many’

    EpiPen Scandal: ‘One Death Is Too Many’

    Two days ago, I put my son Conor on an airplane to Europe. Conor has anaphylactic peanut allergies so, before he left, we purchased a new EpiPen for the trip. We both got sticker shock. Ten years ago, I was paying a $12 co-pay for each EpiPen I purchased. In 2007, the wholesale price for […]

    Underwater Seismic Blasting Puts Arctic at Risk

    Underwater Seismic Blasting Puts Arctic at Risk

    The Arctic’s Baffin Bay and Davis Strait region is home to seals, bowhead whales, polar bears and up to 90 percent of the world’s narwhals. The area’s marine waters also provide habitat for 116 species of fish, such as Arctic char, an important dietary staple for Nunavut’s Inuit communities. Aboriginal groups in the Nunavut community […]

    Dr. Hyman: 5 Superfoods That Belong in Your Diet

    Dr. Hyman: 5 Superfoods That Belong in Your Diet

    “Dr. Hyman, you often talk about superfoods and their benefits,” writes this week’s house call. “Can you share some of your favorites?” I realize “superfood” carries a certain hype, but some foods do earn that status. Food is medicine. And some foods are more powerful medicines than others! Food is the most powerful tool to […]