the humane society

3.4 Million Chickens, 5,500 Hogs Killed in Florence’s Flooding

3.4 Million Chickens, 5,500 Hogs Killed in Florence’s Flooding

The North Carolina Department of Agriculture said Wednesday that the historic flooding from Florence has killed about 3.4 million chickens and turkeys and 5,500 hogs. “This was an unprecedented storm with flooding expected to exceed that from any other storms in recent memory. We know agricultural losses will be significant because the flooding has affected […]

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    Will the U.S. Government Kill 45,000 Wild Horses?

    Will the U.S. Government Kill 45,000 Wild Horses?

    Our nation’s management of wild horses has been a long-running debacle of poor execution layered over questionable intentions and flagging resolve. Those problems have been compounded by violence toward horses by ranchers and other private resource users. The latest incident involves an attack on a number of wild horses living on a ranch overseen by […]