
Coast Guard Makes Dire Warning About Drilling in the Arctic

Coast Guard Makes Dire Warning About Drilling in the Arctic

By Andy Rowell For months now America’s climate denying president, Donald Trump, has been manoeuvering to open up the Arctic to oil drilling, in another act of defiance against his predecessor, Barak Obama. Back in April, Trump signed an executive order to extend offshore oil and gas drilling to large parts of the Atlantic, Pacific […]

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    Going, Going, Gone: Only 26 Glaciers Left in Glacier National Park

    Going, Going, Gone: Only 26 Glaciers Left in Glacier National Park

    Warming temperatures have caused glaciers in Montana’s iconic Glacier National Park to shrink an average of 39 percent over the past 50 years, with some glaciers losing 82 percent of their mass since 1966, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). To be considered glaciers, ice masses must make up at least 25 acres, and […]

    Melting Ice Could Unleash Deadly Bacteria Lain Dormant for Millennia

    Melting Ice Could Unleash Deadly Bacteria Lain Dormant for Millennia

    Deep in the soils of permafrost lurks unknown and archaic bacteria that could potentially spawn viruses and disease that the human race has never been exposed to, at least, not in the recent history of penicillin. But with climate change rapidly heating up the poles, the permafrost is melting away, and we may have to […]

    Shocking Photo Shows Massive Chunk of Ice Towering Over Town

    Shocking Photo Shows Massive Chunk of Ice Towering Over Town

    A massive iceberg is towering over a Newfoundland town, as climate change continues to cause dramatic and spectacular events. The giant iceberg near Ferryland, Canada has created quite a stir and even caused traffic jams as locals stop to take pictures. Icebergs commonly appear off the coast of Ferryland—in fact, this area called “Iceberg Alley” […]

    Earth’s Melting Glaciers Captured in Stunning Before-and-After Images

    Earth’s Melting Glaciers Captured in Stunning Before-and-After Images

    If you don’t agree with 97 percent of climate scientists that climate change is real, you should at least believe your own eyes. The Earth’s rapidly rising temperatures has dramatically transformed our landscapes, as you can see quite clearly in these vivid photos of the world’s melting glaciers. Retreat of the Columbia Glacier, Alaska, USA, […]

    Going, Going, Gone

    Going, Going, Gone

    By Andy Rowell President Trump opens his eyes, but he does not see. Trump listens, but he does not hear. He speaks, but he makes no sense. How can the most powerful man be so completely ignorant about climate change? How can it be that as the evidence about climate change gets stronger, politicians like […]

    Greenland’s Coastal Glaciers Rapidly Withering Away

    Greenland’s Coastal Glaciers Rapidly Withering Away

    Greenland’s icy coastlines are withering away at a rapid pace. With ever rising temperatures in the region, scientists fear the glaciers may never grow back. A team from Ohio State University discovered that about 20 years ago, melting on the island reached a tipping point. In this event, a layer of old snow called the […]

    These 76 Women Scientists Are Changing the World

    These 76 Women Scientists Are Changing the World

    By Molly Taft Heidi Steltzer’s job, as she put it, is “hiking where no one else will go.” As a mountain and polar ecologist studying rare plants, she’s accustomed to traveling to breathtaking Arctic vistas to chase flora along mountain ridges. But watching glaciers calve on her first trip to Antarctica last December was a […]

    Stunning Portraits Put a Human Face on Climate Change

    Stunning Portraits Put a Human Face on Climate Change

    By Clara Chaisson The image of a solitary polar bear stranded on a melting ice floe is the unofficial poster child of the climate movement. But the world’s climbing temperatures are threatening more than charismatic megafauna; people’s lives and cultural heritage are at risk, too. With his portraits, artist Sean Yoro is helping to put […]