
Data Centers in Ireland Overtake All Urban Electricity Use Combined

Data Centers in Ireland Overtake All Urban Electricity Use Combined

According to official figures, last year Ireland’s data centers consumed more electricity than all of the country’s urban homes for the first time, reported The Guardian. The expanding number of data centers used 21 percent of the country’s electricity, a fifth more than in 2022, the Central Statistics Office said. In 2023, electricity used by […]

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    Microsoft Signs Nuclear Fusion Power Deal Under Sustainability Banner

    Microsoft Signs Nuclear Fusion Power Deal Under Sustainability Banner

    The tech giant Microsoft has agreed to buy electricity from startup Helion Energy, which is aiming to make at least 50 megawatts of electricity from nuclear fusion by 2029. No one anywhere in the world has produced electricity from fusion yet, an energy source that powers the sun and stars and a potentially limitless source of clean power.

    Scientists Develop a Robot to Maintain Plants Grown Under Solar Panels

    Scientists Develop a Robot to Maintain Plants Grown Under Solar Panels

    A team of scientists have developed a robot, called SynRobo, to help care for a variety of plants growing beneath solar panels. The robot is designed to sow, prune and harvest crops, even in densely planted areas without interfering with nearby plants. The robot is designed to work with a Synecoculture system, which is a […]

    Texas Education Officials Weaken Climate Science in Textbooks

    Texas Education Officials Weaken Climate Science in Textbooks

    The Texas State Board of Education changed its guidelines last month to “emphasize the ‘positive’ aspects of fossil fuels in science textbooks,” Scott Waldman reported yesterday. The Republican-controlled board approved changes proposed by climate denier Patricia Hardy, who wants teachers to offer “both sides” of climate science.

    Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Could Hurt Renewables

    Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Could Hurt Renewables

    The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is generating questions about the viability of the clean energy companies it financed, as the bank had long been a favorite of renewable startups because of its understanding of the clean tech marketplace and clean tech-focused financing tools.