great barrier reef

Warmest Sea Surface Temperatures in 400 Years Present ‘Existential Threat’ to Great Barrier Reef, Study Finds

Warmest Sea Surface Temperatures in 400 Years Present ‘Existential Threat’ to Great Barrier Reef, Study Finds

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef — the world’s largest coral reef system — has been under critical pressure in recent years, with warming sea surface temperatures leading to mass coral bleaching that threatens its unique biodiversity, ecology and stunning beauty. Temperatures in the Great Barrier Reef have reached the hottest in more than 400 years, new […]

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    The Great Barrier Reef Is Being Polluted Largely by Groundwater, Study Finds

    The Great Barrier Reef Is Being Polluted Largely by Groundwater, Study Finds

    Groundwater is carrying a significant portion of the pollutants coming into the Great Barrier Reef, a recent study has found. According to the study, previously unquantified nitrogen and phosphorus have been discharging into and impacting the reef system, and researchers have now found that groundwater is responsible for about one-third of new nitrogen and two-thirds […]

    Shading Corals Four Hours a Day Could Slow Bleaching, Scientists Find

    Shading Corals Four Hours a Day Could Slow Bleaching, Scientists Find

    As the climate crisis causes global ocean temperatures to reach record highs, heat stress can lead to an increase in coral bleaching, which makes corals more susceptible to starvation and disease. Mass bleaching events are predicted to increase in severity and frequency, so scientists are trying to find solutions to protect sensitive corals. In addition […]

    ‘Globally Significant Moment for Ocean Conservation’: Australia to Phase Out Gill Net Fishing in Great Barrier Reef

    ‘Globally Significant Moment for Ocean Conservation’: Australia to Phase Out Gill Net Fishing in Great Barrier Reef

    The Australian and Queensland governments have introduced a more than $160 million package to phase out the commercial gill net fishing that damages the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world, as well as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Area. […]

    Satellite Selfie Showcases Vulnerability of Great Barrier Reef

    Satellite Selfie Showcases Vulnerability of Great Barrier Reef

    In 1968, a photograph taken from space helped galvanize the environmental movement. The famous “Earthrise” image of our planet rising from the moon helped raise awareness about the importance of protecting humanity’s only home. “The vast loneliness is awe-inspiring and it makes you realize just what you have back there on Earth,” Command Module pilot […]