
6 Wellness Shots You Can Make at Home​

6 Wellness Shots You Can Make at Home​

If you’re a regular at the juice bar, you might recognize the 4-oz bottles of wellness shots offered alongside their full-size counterparts. These shots are essentially concentrated versions of healthful juices, and are meant to provide a burst of nutrients in a very small dose. The superfoods, spices, and other ingredients in the shots are […]

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    6 Wellness Shots You Can Make at Home​

    6 Wellness Shots You Can Make at Home​

    If you’re a regular at the juice bar, you might recognize the 4-oz bottles of wellness shots offered alongside their full-size counterparts. These shots are essentially concentrated versions of healthful juices, and are meant to provide a burst of nutrients in a very small dose. The superfoods, spices, and other ingredients in the shots are […]

    10 ‘Superfoods’ Worth Adding to Your Diet

    10 ‘Superfoods’ Worth Adding to Your Diet

    “Certified organic superfoods.” “Nutrient-dense, plant-based superfoods.” You’ll find these glowing, adjective-laden descriptions of certain foods in grocery stores, specialty shops and on the Internet, but news flash — there is no such thing as a superfood. At least not according to science. The popular nomenclature came into fashion in the early 2000s to entice more […]

    Dr. Hyman: 5 Superfoods That Belong in Your Diet

    Dr. Hyman: 5 Superfoods That Belong in Your Diet

    “Dr. Hyman, you often talk about superfoods and their benefits,” writes this week’s house call. “Can you share some of your favorites?” I realize “superfood” carries a certain hype, but some foods do earn that status. Food is medicine. And some foods are more powerful medicines than others! Food is the most powerful tool to […]

    7 Superfoods That Help You Burn Fat

    7 Superfoods That Help You Burn Fat

    By JJ Virgin That hyperbolic headline stared me front and center recently while I patiently waited in my grocery line. Reluctantly, I grabbed the weekly and thumbed straight to the article claiming a specific “superfood” could make you lean and energetic while upping your libido. Uh, huh. I rolled my eyes, winced and put the […]

    Move Over, Quinoa, a New Superfood Grain Is in Town

    Move Over, Quinoa, a New Superfood Grain Is in Town

    For quinoa fanatics tired of eating quinoa burgers, quinoa pasta and quinoa porridge, fonio may be the answer. It’s been called the grain you’ve never heard of and yes—it may even knock quinoa out of its throne. Fonio grains. Credit: Fonio, an ancient West African cereal, closely resembles a type of millet. It’s rich […]