
Peak Water: What Happens When the Wells Go Dry?

Peak Water: What Happens When the Wells Go Dry?

Lester Brown Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Peak oil has generated headlines in recent years, but the real threat to our future is peak water. There are substitutes for oil, but not for water. We can produce food without oil, but not without water. We drink on average four liters of water per day, in one […]

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    Peak Water: What Happens When the Wells Go Dry?

    Peak Water: What Happens When the Wells Go Dry?

    Lester Brown Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Peak oil has generated headlines in recent years, but the real threat to our future is peak water. There are substitutes for oil, but not for water. We can produce food without oil, but not without water. We drink on average four liters of water per day, in one […]

    The End of Cheap Water

    The End of Cheap Water

    American Rivers By Sharlene Leurig The costs of rebuilding our nation’s water infrastructure are jaw dropping: estimates range from $300 billion to $1 trillion needed over the next 30 years. Add in the cost to develop new water supplies, treatment plants and transmission systems to accommodate growth—$20 billion for new reservoirs and pipelines in North […]