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    Rare Seafaring Birds Follow Tropical Cyclones to Find Better Feeding Opportunities

    Rare Seafaring Birds Follow Tropical Cyclones to Find Better Feeding Opportunities

    A new study has found that a rare and wide-ranging North Atlantic seabird — Desertas petrel (Pterodroma deserta) — demonstrates unique foraging behaviors that involve following tropical cyclones during hurricane season in order to exploit the storms’ dynamic conditions. Unlike other seabirds who spend the majority of their lives flying above the open ocean, these […]

    Parrots Prefer Live Video Calls With Other Parrots Over Pre-Recorded Videos, Study Finds

    Parrots Prefer Live Video Calls With Other Parrots Over Pre-Recorded Videos, Study Finds

    A new study by researchers at University of Glasgow has found that pet parrots prefer video calling other parrots over watching pre-recorded bird videos. Animal-computer interaction specialists provided nine parrots and their caretakers with tablets to explore how video chats might expand the social lives of the birds, a press release from University of Glasgow […]

    Fewer Wild Birds Are Visiting Gardens in the UK, Survey Finds

    Fewer Wild Birds Are Visiting Gardens in the UK, Survey Finds

    An analysis of data from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has found that fewer wild birds are visiting gardens in the UK.  RSPB analyzed data from its annual Big Garden Birdwatch, which kicks off in late January each year since 1979. The Big Garden Birdwatch asks participants to spend at least […]

    Africa’s Birds of Prey Are Experiencing an Extinction Crisis

    Africa’s Birds of Prey Are Experiencing an Extinction Crisis

    Birds of prey in Africa are currently experiencing an extinction crisis, with more than two-thirds potentially threatened, according to a new study by an international research team led by The Peregrine Fund and researchers from the University of St. Andrews. Of the 42 species profiled in the report, 88 percent have declined over a 20- […]

    Birding 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Birding 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Quick Key Facts What Is ‘Birding’? Birding is the act of observing and identifying birds in the wild as a form of recreation. This can range from taking note of all the birds who visit a backyard feeder, or traveling across the country to try to see more U.S. bird species than anyone else in […]