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    Klamath River Dam Removal Allows Salmon to Run Free for First Time in More Than a Century

    Klamath River Dam Removal Allows Salmon to Run Free for First Time in More Than a Century

    The Klamath-Trinity River system in southern Oregon and northern California was once the site of huge salmon runs — one estimate put them at 650,000 to one million fish. The Klamath River watershed supports chinook and coho salmon, steelhead trout and other fish species that contribute to Tribal, recreational, subsistence and commercial harvests. It has […]

    This World Elephant Day, Conservationists Ask Tanzania to Stop Allowing Trophy Hunting

    This World Elephant Day, Conservationists Ask Tanzania to Stop Allowing Trophy Hunting

    Today is World Elephant Day, and conservationists have petitioned Tanzania to stop issuing permits for the trophy hunting of the gentle and intelligent pachyderms. Wild African elephants — including the “super-tuskers” who are hunted for their ivory tusks — roam freely across the border into Tanzania from Kenya’s Amboseli National Park, where their vast herds […]

    Koalas Can Predict the Hottest Summer Days and Lower Their Body Temperatures Accordingly, Study Finds

    Koalas Can Predict the Hottest Summer Days and Lower Their Body Temperatures Accordingly, Study Finds

    A new study by researchers in Australia has found that iconic and endangered koalas have the ability to regulate their body temperatures more than previously thought. For the first time, scientists have observed free-ranging, wild koalas drastically lowering their core body temperatures during cool mornings in preparation for the most sweltering summer days. “This strongly […]

    ‘Like a Mini Med Spa for Frogs’: Biologists Develop Shelters to Help Vulnerable and Endangered Amphibians Fight Disease

    ‘Like a Mini Med Spa for Frogs’: Biologists Develop Shelters to Help Vulnerable and Endangered Amphibians Fight Disease

    Biologists have created small hotspot shelters that operate like little saunas to help vulnerable and endangered amphibians fight off a fast-spreading and deadly fungal disease that has been a major threat to amphibians for decades. Researchers from Macquarie University and the University of Melbourne developed the shelters as a way to help amphibians ward off […]