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    California’s First National Marine Sanctuary in Over 3 Decades Will Protect 116 Miles of Coastline

    California’s First National Marine Sanctuary in Over 3 Decades Will Protect 116 Miles of Coastline

    More than 116 miles of California’s stunning coastline is in the process of becoming designated as part of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary — the third largest in the country. The designation process reached a major milestone last week when the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for the marine sanctuary was released. Under the […]

    Ocean Warming Is Driving Sharks Out of Coral Reef Habitats, Study Finds

    Ocean Warming Is Driving Sharks Out of Coral Reef Habitats, Study Finds

    As the oceans heat up, sharks are leaving their coral reef habitats, putting both sharks and entire ecosystems at risk, scientists have found. In a new study, published in the journal Communications Biology, scientists used satellites and underwater acoustic receivers to monitor more than 120 grey reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) in coral reefs of the […]

    Klamath River Dam Removal Allows Salmon to Run Free for First Time in More Than a Century

    Klamath River Dam Removal Allows Salmon to Run Free for First Time in More Than a Century

    The Klamath-Trinity River system in southern Oregon and northern California was once the site of huge salmon runs — one estimate put them at 650,000 to one million fish. The Klamath River watershed supports chinook and coho salmon, steelhead trout and other fish species that contribute to Tribal, recreational, subsistence and commercial harvests. It has […]