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    Protecting 1.2% of Earth’s Land Would Stop ‘Sixth Great Extinction,’ Scientists Say

    Protecting 1.2% of Earth’s Land Would Stop ‘Sixth Great Extinction,’ Scientists Say

    According to a new analysis by a group of conservationists and researchers, expanding another 1.2% of Earth’s land-based protected areas would stop the extinction of most threatened animal and plant species. The coalition of experts identified 16,825 potential conservation sites that need to be prioritized in the next five years in order to save thousands […]

    Wild Bumblebees Capable of Logical Reasoning, Study Finds

    Wild Bumblebees Capable of Logical Reasoning, Study Finds

    A new study by a psychologist at University of Stirling in Scotland has found that, like humans, wild bumblebees are capable of logical reasoning. In the study, the bees were tasked with spontaneously locating strips of sugar-coated paper in various colors and positions. In both circumstances, the analysis showed they looked in the correct location […]

    Iberian Lynx Recovers From Endangered Species Status Following Conservation Efforts

    Iberian Lynx Recovers From Endangered Species Status Following Conservation Efforts

    The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has changed the listing for the Iberian lynx species, or Lynx pardinus, from Endangered to Vulnerable in the organization’s Red List, a list detailing the extinction risk of species around the world. Francisco Javier Salcedo Ortiz, coordinator of the LIFE Lynx-Connect project that led conservation efforts for […]

    Unusually Large Number of Whales Spotted, Including Multiple Endangered Species, off Northeast U.S. Coasts

    Unusually Large Number of Whales Spotted, Including Multiple Endangered Species, off Northeast U.S. Coasts

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has reported 161 sightings of whales last month, representing seven different whale species. The sightings, recorded on May 25, took place off the northeastern U.S. Coasts, near Martha’s Vineyard and southeast of Nantucket. According to NOAA, the sightings included an unusually high number of whale species, particularly endangered […]