
‘A Vicious Cycle’: How Pesticide Use and Climate Change Make Each Other Worse, and What We Can Do About It

‘A Vicious Cycle’: How Pesticide Use and Climate Change Make Each Other Worse, and What We Can Do About It

The energy required to produce all of the glyphosate used worldwide in 2014 was as much as the yearly energy needed to power 6.25 million cars. That’s one of the striking findings from “Pesticides and Climate Change: A Vicious Cycle,” a first-of-its-kind report from the Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) detailing how these two […]

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    EU Approves Ban on New Gas or Diesel Cars by 2035

    EU Approves Ban on New Gas or Diesel Cars by 2035

    The European Parliament on Tuesday approved a ban on the sale of new fossil fuel powered cars and light vehicles by 2035.  The European Union will now be one of the largest car markets to mandate a shift to electric vehicles (EVs), following the road paved by California and New York among other U.S. states.  […]

    EPA Announces $27 Billion Fund to Help Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Transition to Renewable Energy

    EPA Announces $27 Billion Fund to Help Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Transition to Renewable Energy

    Under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) — part of last year’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act — states, Tribes, municipalities and eligible nonprofits will soon be able to apply for $27 billion in grant funding from a “green bank” to help finance projects that facilitate the country’s transition to renewable energy and reduce pollution, a […]

    Airports and Solar Arrays: An Overview

    Airports and Solar Arrays: An Overview

    Back in 2010, the Federal Aviation Administration released a study that suggested that airports are an ideal location for solar panels, stating that:  Solar technology has matured and is now a reliable way to reduce airport operating costs. Environmentally, solar energy shows a commitment to environmental stewardship, especially when the panels are visible to the […]