Windows Replacement in Missouri

Are you an Missouri homeowner looking to upgrade your windows? EcoWatch is here to help!

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What You Need to Know About Windows in Missouri

Missouri window replacement companies

Missouri homeowners are no strangers to extreme weather, including extreme summer temperatures reaching into the 90s (Fahrenheit), winter days dropping below freezing, and tornadoes, given the state’s location in Tornado Alley.1 Most residents rely on heating or cooling systems year-round to provide a reprieve from the outdoor temperatures, which is partly why the average monthly energy consumption in Missouri is significantly higher than the national average. The Show-Me State ranks in the top 20 in the country in terms of resident energy needs.2

Since windows are one of the most significant sources of energy loss in homes, upgrading to energy-efficient windows will help insulate your house more effectively, which can open you up to several benefits:3

  • Reduced energy bills
  • Less wear and tear on your heating and cooling systems
  • Less spent on ongoing maintenance for systems
  • Improved curb appeal
  • Increased home value
  • Reduced reliance on fossil fuels

You’ll have the option of completing a full-frame replacement or a partial replacement, often called a pocket replacement. A full-frame replacement is more expensive but boosts energy efficiency more, while a pocket replacement is more affordable and can still improve energy efficiency, but not as much. Your existing window frames will also need to be in good shape in order to do a pocket replacement.

Other factors that affect the cost of replacing windows include the size and style of the existing windows, the frame material you choose and its energy efficiency, the glass type you select, additional glass coatings, how many windows you plan to replace, and more. That said, the average cost to replace a window in Missouri is around $700.

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