nuclear fusion

Microsoft Signs Nuclear Fusion Power Deal Under Sustainability Banner

Microsoft Signs Nuclear Fusion Power Deal Under Sustainability Banner

The tech giant Microsoft has agreed to buy electricity from startup Helion Energy, which is aiming to make at least 50 megawatts of electricity from nuclear fusion by 2029. No one anywhere in the world has produced electricity from fusion yet, an energy source that powers the sun and stars and a potentially limitless source of clean power.

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    Microsoft Signs Nuclear Fusion Power Deal Under Sustainability Banner

    Microsoft Signs Nuclear Fusion Power Deal Under Sustainability Banner

    The tech giant Microsoft has agreed to buy electricity from startup Helion Energy, which is aiming to make at least 50 megawatts of electricity from nuclear fusion by 2029. No one anywhere in the world has produced electricity from fusion yet, an energy source that powers the sun and stars and a potentially limitless source of clean power.