Watch John Oliver Send ‘Suspiciously Cheap’ Food to Fashion CEOs Selling ‘Shockingly Cheap’ Clothing

On the latest episode of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver addresses fast fashion, which has garnered a lot of attention lately. Our news article last week, Who’s Really Paying for Our Clothes, is still heavily trending on the site.
“Trendy clothing is cheaper than ever and cheap clothing is trendier than ever,” says Oliver. This is great for consumers looking to save money, but it’s terrible for those making the clothes, who work in horrible substandard conditions for poverty wages. And it takes a huge toll on the environment, as fast fashion has given people more shopping choices than ever before, in turn using more resources and toxic chemicals, and creating more pollution and waste than ever before.
These labor and environmental issues have been well documented for decades, and yet it still continues today. Companies continue to hide or ignore these issues. “Denial seems to be stitched into the supply chain,” Oliver explains. So for a lesson in manufacturing oversight, Oliver kindly sent extremely cheap lunches of indeterminate origin to the CEOs of fashion companies that employ cheap labor.
Watch here: