Hunger and food insecurity affect more than 1 in 7 Americans. Those facing hunger are three times more likely to have diet-related health problems like diabetes or hypertension. Yet, far too often the solutions to help these individuals typically offered, funded and advocated for by our society address the issues of hunger and health as separate afflictions.
WhyHunger is a global grassroots support organization working with community leaders and grassroots organizations across the U.S. who are working at the intersections of health and hunger to address the complex and interconnected social determinants that leave far too many Americans hungry and sick.
We’re excited to share this video from WhyHunger highlighting the innovative programs at Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger in Far Rockaway, New York, where VeggieRX programs, community farm stands, mobile pantries serving farm fresh produce and youth leadership programs intersect.
Sam Josephs, a youth leader in the Green Teens Program, serves as a mentor to her peers on the urban farm. She said, “Here in Rockaway, you don’t have access to the things that you need … When you have a farm, you’re producing your own food, you’re watching out for your own health.” Sam’s testimony speaks to the value of programs like this and the importance of local, community-controlled food systems in fighting diet related illnesses.
Watch this inspiring video to learn more about Sam and BSCAH’s programs:
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Thank you Sam and Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger for the work that you do and for sharing this story with us!