
In Comeback Moment, Up to 150 Fin Whales Spotted Feeding off Antarctica

In Comeback Moment, Up to 150 Fin Whales Spotted Feeding off Antarctica

In 1982, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) voted to ban the practice of commercial whaling that had driven several species to the brink of extinction, as The New York Times reported at the time.  Now, a new study published in Scientific Reports Thursday shows how that decision has borne fruit. The study reported the first […]

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    Genetic Testing of Baby Whales Could Help Save Species, Scientists Say

    Genetic Testing of Baby Whales Could Help Save Species, Scientists Say

    Using genetic testing, scientists have learned that four critically endangered baby whales believed to be dead are actually alive. The discovery corrects what whale researchers previously thought about young North Atlantic right whales’ physical development and ability to be independent of their mothers, according to the lead author of the study. While genetic testing obviously […]

    ‘Whales, Sea Turtles and Other Animals Shouldn’t Have to Suffer and Die From Entanglements’: Conservation Group Seeks Federal Help

    ‘Whales, Sea Turtles and Other Animals Shouldn’t Have to Suffer and Die From Entanglements’: Conservation Group Seeks Federal Help

    Oakland conservation group the Center for Biological Diversity has petitioned the National Marine Fisheries Service to require trap fisheries to convert from traditional crab fishing gear to new ropeless or “pop-up” gear in all United States waters within the next five years. The old gear has led to many entanglements and injuries of endangered whales […]

    Feds Ask Ships off NYC Coast to Slow Down to Protect Rare Whales

    Feds Ask Ships off NYC Coast to Slow Down to Protect Rare Whales

    The U.S. government has enacted a voluntary protected zone off the coast of New York City in order to protect critically endangered North Atlantic right whales as they make their way south for the winter. The protected zone is designed to slow down ships, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is encouraging ships […]

    New Species of Whale Discovered

    New Species of Whale Discovered

    A new species of beaked whale has been identified in a unique collaboration between Indigenous knowledge and Western science. The new species, formally announced in Proceedings of the Royal Society B last month, is named Ramari’s beaked whale after Ramari Stewart, a female Mātauranga Māori whale expert who was instrumental in the discovery. Ramari also […]