
Extreme Droughts Lead to Record-High Coffee Prices

Extreme Droughts Lead to Record-High Coffee Prices

Extreme weather, including intense droughts, in top coffee-growing countries such as Brazil and Vietnam has led to some of the highest coffee prices in decades. As Reuters reported, prices for coffee futures reached a 47-year high of $3.3545 per pound for Arabica coffee on the Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (ICE) and prices for this commodity rose […]

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    Graffiti Campaign Inspires Protection of Endangered Rhinos

    Graffiti Campaign Inspires Protection of Endangered Rhinos

    By Michael Tatarski Throughout the month of March, a unique graffiti campaign popped up on the walls of several streets in downtown Ho Chi Minh City, the hyperactive commercial capital of Vietnam. The works differed from the usual tags and designs that adorn urban areas around the world. The graffiti pieces, 17 in all, carry […]

    Vietnam Welcomes Monsanto’s GMOs Despite Horrific Legacy of Agent Orange

    Vietnam Welcomes Monsanto’s GMOs Despite Horrific Legacy of Agent Orange

    By Christina Sarich One of Monsanto‘s former companies, among nine contractors responsible for creating Agent Orange, sprayed more than 20 million gallons of the herbicide on an area of South Vietnam about the size of the state of Massachusetts between 1962 and 1971. In a caustic plot twist, the Vietnamese government says it hopes to […]