
Young Activists Disrupt Bonn Climate Talks to Call for Plant Based Treaty

Young Activists Disrupt Bonn Climate Talks to Call for Plant Based Treaty

How should the global agricultural system change in order to prevent the worst impacts of the climate crisis? A group of young activists believe the answer is a global shift towards plant-based diets, and they are not afraid to make their voices heard. The campaigners disrupted a meeting at the UN climate talks in Bonn, Germany, on Friday to call for a Plant Based Treaty. 

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    Meat Alternatives Made From Fungi Could Cut Deforestation by 50%

    Meat Alternatives Made From Fungi Could Cut Deforestation by 50%

    Researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) have found that substituting just 20% of beef with a fungi-based meat alternative could decrease deforestation by 50% by 2050. According to the researchers, microbial protein, as the fungi-based “meat” is called, can replicate the taste and texture of real beef. But microbial proteins require […]

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    A Baker’s Guide to Vegan Substitutes: Turn Traditional Baking Recipes Into Plant-Based Recipes

    A Baker’s Guide to Vegan Substitutes: Turn Traditional Baking Recipes Into Plant-Based Recipes

    Vegan, dairy-free, and egg-free baking is booming, but for the occasional home baker who wants to make more sustainable treats, finding the right substitutions isn’t always easy. Sure, you could swap in some applesauce or your favorite plant-based butter, but baking is scientific — even a minor change can leave you with rock-hard cookies, soggy pies, or dry cakes.

    8 Delicious Vegan Recipes for St. Patrick’s Day

    8 Delicious Vegan Recipes for St. Patrick’s Day

    St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are just around the corner, and for the Feast of St. Patrick, you’ll need plenty of food. The menu for this holiday is often heavy on corned beef, but there are plenty of vegetable-forward dishes to make for everyone to enjoy.

    8 Best Environmental Cookbooks to Add to Your Bookshelf

    8 Best Environmental Cookbooks to Add to Your Bookshelf

    Whether you’re not much of a home cook or you’ve been cheffing it up for years, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut on what to make. Not only that, but human diets today collectively take a huge toll on our environment. The pesticides and water used to grow food, the emissions required to transport it from fields across the world to your local grocery store … it all adds up to one major foodprint.