
6 Vegan Alternatives to Honey

6 Vegan Alternatives to Honey

By Becky Striepe Honey is not vegan, but luckily there are delicious alternatives to replace it in any recipe. Try these vegan alternatives to honey! The honey question is surprisingly contentious in the vegan world, but honey is an animal product and definitely not vegan. Bees do not create honey for humans to eat—they create […]

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    4 Reasons Why Going Vegan Is Great for Some, But Bad for Others

    4 Reasons Why Going Vegan Is Great for Some, But Bad for Others

    By Denise Minger Debate about whether veganism is a healthy diet for humans or a fast track to deficiency has been raging since time immemorial (or at the very least, since the advent of Facebook comment sections). The controversy is fueled by ardent claims from both sides of the fence: long-term vegans reporting good health […]

    How Seaweed Can Feed the World

    How Seaweed Can Feed the World

    By Josh Chamot Seaweed is an acquired taste, but rich in nutrients and cheap to produce, and it could replace carbon-intensive foods on menus everywhere. With that in mind, Lisette Kreischer and Marcel Schuttelaar wrote Ocean Greens, a guide to cooking with seaweed. Kreischer shared her insights on seaweed with Nexus Media, along with two […]

    Vegan Food Goes Mainstream at U.S. Colleges

    Vegan Food Goes Mainstream at U.S. Colleges

    By Liz Dwyer What’s served up in college cafeterias became a hot topic this summer thanks to an episode of writer Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast Revisionist History. In July, Gladwell argued that some schools are spending big bucks putting fancy food on the menu—think lobster bakes and venison—instead of offering financial aid to low-income students. But […]

    10 Vegan Sources of Probiotics

    10 Vegan Sources of Probiotics

    By Katie Medlock The importance of good gut health has been receiving more attention lately and for good reasons. By colonizing our guts with “good” bacteria, we can help improve our digestion, enhance our immune system, reduce our risk for contracting disease and even lose weight. An especially important way of achieving these health benefits […]

    Is a Vegan Diet Healthy for Kids?

    Is a Vegan Diet Healthy for Kids?

    By Maggie McCracken Italian parliamentarian Elvira Savino wants to impose jail time on parents who choose to feed their children a vegan diet. Citing malnutrition, Savino likened veganism to child abuse and expressed concern about recent incidents in Italy in which vegan diets were linked to health problems in children under 16. Understandably, vegans and […]

    Americans Gorge on Meat in Amounts Not Seen in Decades

    Americans Gorge on Meat in Amounts Not Seen in Decades

    By Kali Holloway The cliche about the American diet being mostly meat and potatoes has seemed less true over recent years, with vegetarianism going mainstream and veganism gaining popularity. But old dietary habits die hard—possibly because of their clogged arteries. A new study finds there’s been a reversal in meat-eating declines, with the last year […]

    Will Vegans Save the World?

    Will Vegans Save the World?

    Will vegans save the world? Reading comments under climate change articles or watching the film Cowspiracy make it seem they’re the only ones who can. Cowspiracy boldly claims veganism is “the only way to sustainably and ethically live on this planet.” But, as with most issues, it’s complicated. It’s true, though, that the environment and […]