sustainable agriculture

World’s Cheapest Food Is in the U.S.—But at What Cost?

World’s Cheapest Food Is in the U.S.—But at What Cost?

Food Freedom By Dr. Mercola In 2010, Americans spent just over 9 percent of their disposable income on food (5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out).1 This is a dramatically lower percentage spent just decades ago in the early 1960s, when more than 17 percent was spent on food, and even more of […]

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    World’s Cheapest Food Is in the U.S.—But at What Cost?

    World’s Cheapest Food Is in the U.S.—But at What Cost?

    Food Freedom By Dr. Mercola In 2010, Americans spent just over 9 percent of their disposable income on food (5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out).1 This is a dramatically lower percentage spent just decades ago in the early 1960s, when more than 17 percent was spent on food, and even more of […]

    Eight Components of a Healing City

    Eight Components of a Healing City

    Natural Resources Defense Council By Kaid Benfield Used with permission of NRDC – Switchboard As director of Natural Resources Defense Council’s (NRDC) sustainable communities work, I spend a lot of time defining (and refining) our goals—what is a sustainable community? We must know the destination in order to forge a path. But, in this case, […]